PTR - Unborn Val'kyr

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Re: PTR - Unborn Val'kyr

Post by Gwenolyn » April 26th, 2013, 4:39 pm

Could they have made it somehow where pets are not CRZ but mobs are? They could have done this r/t all the complaints about minfernal etc? I'm no programmer, so I don't know if this is possible. Would it be similar to different toons in "phases"? Just asking, please don't flame... :shock:

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Re: PTR - Unborn Val'kyr

Post by Dakender » April 26th, 2013, 5:31 pm

Hey, the more thoughts we get out here the better :) good idea, and it sounds about as logical as anything else Blizzard does :) I am in the process of testing some stuff, made multiple toons to sit at span/path points, will see what i come up with :)

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Re: PTR - Unborn Val'kyr

Post by Mmosimca » April 27th, 2013, 3:58 pm

Gwenolyn wrote:Could they have made it somehow where pets are not CRZ but mobs are? They could have done this r/t all the complaints about minfernal etc? I'm no programmer, so I don't know if this is possible. Would it be similar to different toons in "phases"? Just asking, please don't flame... :shock:
I would have said it was impossible, but after a bunch of testing in Stonetalon Mountains, this appears to be the case. Anasterian US had 2 Mountain Skunks in a certain spot while Brill EU had 2 Alpine Chipmunks. I went over to a Night Elf town and slaughtered all the guards and NPCs and logged in on Brill again and went to the same town and saw the corpses everywhere, so mobs definitely still are CRZ on the PTR.

The way CRZ works is not entirely unlike phasing - if you fail to connect to the CRZ server but maintain the connection to your original server, no players/NPCs from the server will load, but some of the unCRZed things will. Therefore, it sounds like they implemented some sort of blacklist for the CRZ system that stops certain NPCs from being shared (all battle pets in this case probably) and lets the original servers' versions of those NPCs 'bleed through'.

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Re: PTR - Unborn Val'kyr

Post by Dakender » April 27th, 2013, 4:29 pm

Where is the like button :) sounds right to me, I too have been testing that a pet is up on one server, but not on the others, but MOBS you kill will still be there lying dead on the ground. Same thing happened when I tamed the RARE Unborn Val'kyr, found her on one server, logged in two other servers and she was not there, logged back in the first one and she was, so tamed her :)

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Re: PTR - Unborn Val'kyr

Post by Quintessence » April 30th, 2013, 2:42 am

I have no idea if the Unborn Val'kyr has been properly implemented on the PTR yet, but I just killed one of the rare spawn NPCs (Hildana Deathstealer) and watched her body despawn. No pets spawned.

I've tried dying, dueling, and going on a massive killing spree. Heck, I've even /danced with dead mobs and taunted their bodies. Nothing I can think of seems to trigger the spawn for these pets.

Again, I don't even know if the Unborn Val'kyr is ready for testing on the PTR (although it was implied that they would be by now), so all my efforts might be in vain.

If anyone else has had some success with spawning these elusive pets, please share! I'm running out of ideas and/or overthinking it. :(
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Re: PTR - Unborn Val'kyr

Post by Dakender » April 30th, 2013, 6:07 pm

Well here is what I have done to no good the last few days ;)

as of Version 5.3.0 (16904)

1. First thing I did was make like 6 toons just to camp the 4 rare spawns of Val'kyr's.
2. Killed Syreian The Bonecarver - watched despawn, did a bunch of other stuff to the corpse, kissed it, etc ;) She popped a couple days later and I did not killer her, but instead watched her make her rounds for quite some time.. nothing...
3. Kiled Vigdis the ar Maiden - Same thing as Syreian
3. All of these toons are on the same server.
4. Made a mage (to get there quick) on each server, same name ;) Deadßetty..... anyway.... Camped each one of them at the spot where I did capture the two. Ok, here it is again.... one day while logging in and out checking to see if she was up, one of the 2 cockroaches that are in that area was a battle pet .... First time i have ever seen that... so, logged out and then logged on the mage on all the other servers.... the cockroach WAS NOT A BATTLE PET on any of the other servers.... Logged back on the first server and POW.... was a Battle Pet....

Did that make things worse? hehehe, PTR is down at the moment, was going to get on and run through them all to see what was up today, just had another 200meg+ download.... nothing on net saying what was changed yet.

EDIT: 7 toons , sorry, 3 for Jorfus, 2 for Hildana, 1 for Syreian, and 1 for Vigdis. PTR came back up, did some logging on and off, nothing today ;(
Last edited by Dakender on April 30th, 2013, 8:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: PTR - Unborn Val'kyr

Post by War2combat » April 30th, 2013, 7:01 pm

I like Dakenders strategy

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Re: PTR - Unborn Val'kyr

Post by Dakender » April 30th, 2013, 8:58 pm

this is a quote from the patch notes......................

"Whispers from pet tamers in the north have spread word of an elusive new battle pet that can be found in the frozen tundras of Northrend. The Unborn Val'kyr awaits."

Starting me to think, they are not going to be down in Grizzly Hills or Howling Fjord. Since there are no Val'kyr Rares in Storm Peaks, that only leaves one zone.... just some thoughts...

Another thought :) heheh

Datundra, my main who has done all the quests up there get's this message from Geirrvif (Who looks just like the Unborn Val'kry but OLDER): "Champion Datundra. it is good to see you again. Have you returned to Valhalas to assist a friend with their challenges?"

Weewwchu, my alt who has done no quests, premade, get's this message from her. "You have not yet proven yourself worthy enough to issue a challenge within Valhalas, Weeweechu. Return when you have earned a name for yourself."

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Re: PTR - Unborn Val'kyr

Post by Dakender » April 30th, 2013, 9:00 pm



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Re: PTR - Unborn Val'kyr

Post by Metalherodamien » May 1st, 2013, 9:15 pm

Question unrelated to finding how it spawns, but can it fly? Like how most birds, dragons and others fly again behind you?

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Re: PTR - Unborn Val'kyr

Post by Dakender » May 2nd, 2013, 5:17 pm

She (Guess it's a she, looks like a she) flys along a few feet off the ground, not above your head or anything.

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Re: PTR - Unborn Val'kyr

Post by Luciandk » May 2nd, 2013, 10:34 pm

Spotted a thread talking about the Unborn Valkyr. Looks -REALLY- good now

So the pet -does- come back to life after the four turn haunt debuff wears off. Perfect for dotting with Curse of Doom, then Haunt, finally swap to your second pet and continue to break the opponents first pet.

Coincidentally taking timeouts with Haunt solves one of the main problems of undead pets, that they are vulnerable to super common critters. But if you spend your time 'dead', you dont have to worry too much about it. Only when being last pet remaining that you dont want to haunt and give your opponent an automatic win. Plus superb stat allocation helps even more and really letting you milk the undead racial for a bit more hate on your oppenent with that low speed.

Should definitely become a top tier pet once 5.3 goes live.

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Re: PTR - Unborn Val'kyr

Post by Metalherodamien » May 2nd, 2013, 11:28 pm

Dakender wrote:She (Guess it's a she, looks like a she) flys along a few feet off the ground, not above your head or anything.
I actually meant while you're on a mount, like the dark phoenix flies along when you mount a flying mount.

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Re: PTR - Unborn Val'kyr

Post by Poofah » May 3rd, 2013, 3:38 pm

from Simca's thread:
1. If you kill the enemy pet while Haunt is on it (even if the last tick of Haunt itself is the killing blow), your Val'kyr will permanently die as well. (This is a big one - proper Haunt use will need very careful play, especially since Curse of Doom will go off 1 turn before Haunt expires and resurrects your Val'kyr, so CoD cannot be the killing blow.)
First off, without this drawback, Haunt would be extremely overpowered. With 276 power, it does 740 damage over 5 rounds (the turn you cast it, plus 4 more). With the drawback, it's still good, but situational. Either you want to use it like Unholy Ascension: wait until you're near death, then Haunt at the last possible moment. Or, you want to create a situation where your Haunt will expire naturally, ie the target pet will not die in the next 4 rounds. This second case is extremely powerful, but will take some work to set up.

Basically, if you Haunt with a full-health Val'kyr, your opponent is going to want to keep their pet in and let it die before Haunt expires, because this will take the Val'kyr with it. You want to force your opponent to swap the Haunted pet to the backrow so it can eat 740 damage from Haunt but stay alive long enough to let your Val'kyr comes back. Since Haunt gives you a free swap, you get to choose a pet that either forces the opponent to swap (Crawling Claw, Enchanted Broom) or can stall while Haunt ticks down.

I hope this stays as it is, because it's one of the few abilities that actually encourages an interesting team strategy.

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Re: PTR - Unborn Val'kyr

Post by Dakender » May 3rd, 2013, 4:22 pm

Metalherodamien wrote:
Dakender wrote:She (Guess it's a she, looks like a she) flys along a few feet off the ground, not above your head or anything.
I actually meant while you're on a mount, like the dark phoenix flies along when you mount a flying mount.
still stays a few feet off the ground even when on flying mount.

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Re: PTR - Unborn Val'kyr

Post by Dakender » May 4th, 2013, 10:43 am

Well it's been a couple weeks now since I last saw one wild :) Thinking the last few patch's actually made it to work like they wanted it to and the ones I found were just flukes or leaks... Tried a bunch of stuff.... nothing lately. Have 3 more pictures on photobucket with the captured one flying around the dead corpse of 3 of the rares. With all 3 I waited around till the despawned and then searched the area, nothing....

With Jorfus:

With Syreian:

With Vigdis:

New stuff I was thinking about....

The Bone Witch, who wants Vrykul Bones, gave her them but nothing at that point, so loaded up each spawn point and checked, nothing......

Val'kyr Shadowguard in Icecrown Citadel, has one of the Unborns spells but backwards :) this guy has Life Siphon, and the Unborn has Siphon LIfe. <--- no link yet, gonna have to add a petability= to the menu bar but it's [url][/url]. Haven't check this one out yet.... on the to do list...

And finally, on the list of to do's....... the spell Glyph of the Val'kyr might be something to look into, need to whip up a premade priest and check that out.

EDIT: Did some testing here, jumped off my bird a few hundred feet above the spawn point :) Boom, turned to Val'lyr, released and came back first time, nothing... Stayed for about 20 min 2nd time, nothing....

Oh well, my mind is numb ;)

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Re: PTR - Unborn Val'kyr

Post by Quintessence » May 4th, 2013, 11:59 am

Random thought: Maybe defeating someone in a pet battle duel will trigger her? Or perhaps having a party of 5 people in a single area? I'm reaching at this point since I'm running out of ideas XD
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Re: PTR - Unborn Val'kyr

Post by Dakender » May 4th, 2013, 12:27 pm

Quintessence wrote:Random thought: Maybe defeating someone in a pet battle duel will trigger her? Or perhaps having a party of 5 people in a single area? I'm reaching at this point since I'm running out of ideas XD
Not bad ideas at this point at all :) There is no telling what them guys have in their head when they come up with this stuff :)

As for defeating someone. Did that.. with the owners/publishers/writers of the website . We did a couple battles with and without the Unborn. Nothing..... They did a special on me the other day and is now posted on their website if you can read it :) heheh Think it's french. Under my picture they said "Merci à Dakender d’avoir partagé, avec nous, un screen de sa jolie Val'kyr."

Havn't tried the group thing, there were like 4 of us there that day ...

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Re: PTR - Unborn Val'kyr

Post by Jadax » May 7th, 2013, 3:11 pm


You're welcome :P

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Re: PTR - Unborn Val'kyr

Post by Quintessence » May 7th, 2013, 3:48 pm

Well that's somewhat disappointing news. This means we'll have to contend with RNG and possibly CRZ. Wouldn't be as bad (still slightly irritating) if it was clear what exactly triggers the pet to spawn, but if we can't even initiate the right conditions... we're all kind of going to be completely blind at the start. Not sure if I'm a huge fan of that.

For the specifically spawned pets, at least there was a hint. Winter for the Snowy Owl, Rain for the Baby Ape, and so on. For this one all we have to go on is "it's a new spawning mechanic" which could mean anything. >_<
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