Spawn of Onyxia [4] can be directly subbed for the Onyxian Whelpling.Phraide wrote:- New team for Flowing Pandaren Spirit (Same concept, same speed, but with Emerald Proto-Whelp instead of Onyxian Whelpling, who is no longer catchable ingame)
Guide to tamer daily pet battles (5.3) - For veterans
Re: Guide to tamer daily pet battles (5.3)
Yep !Stencil wrote:Spawn of Onyxia [4] can be directly subbed for the Onyxian Whelpling.Phraide wrote:- New team for Flowing Pandaren Spirit (Same concept, same speed, but with Emerald Proto-Whelp instead of Onyxian Whelpling, who is no longer catchable ingame)
But Emerald Proto-whelp [4] has the exact same stats as Spawn of Onyxia [4] (1400 HP, 341 Atk, 244 Spd), the same skillset (a filler attack and a dodge move), and nearly the same output (a 433 dmg / 90% filler for the emerald whelp VS a 450 dmg / 95% filler for the spawn). Thus I end up choosing the Emerald proto-whelp over the Spawn of Onyxia, because it lowers the total number of pets required to complete the 15 teams of the guide (and because it is easier to catch an Emerald Proto-Whelp than a Spawn of Onyxia, imho).

Re: Guide to tamer daily pet battles (5.3)
Ony Whelps have a flying move, which can be useful.
I also like Healing Flame better than Ancient Blessing
I also like Healing Flame better than Ancient Blessing
Re: Guide to tamer daily pet battles (5.3)
Spawn of Onyxia/Emerald Whelp are there to fight against a critter (Tiptoe) and an elemental (Pandaren Water Spirit). Thus Lift-Off, despite being a flying move, will have the same output as the Proto-strike (dragonkin move).Anasa wrote:Ony Whelps have a flying move, which can be useful.
I also like Healing Flame better than Ancient Blessing
I never had to use the heal with this team. But even if you have to, the Ancient Blessing would be more usefull I guess, because it has a static 505 healing output, as opposed to the 361+X of the Healing Flame (where X is typically a very weak Tidal Wave attack).
Re: Guide to tamer daily pet battles (5.3)
New here, but I struggle against the otter fabled pet in vale with the valk/water spirit / chrom team. Am I just straight up stupid or is this team just not very good against him?
- Tahsfenz
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Re: Guide to tamer daily pet battles (5.3)
Assuming your talking about nono, 3 moths should beat him up pretty good if you make good use of caccoon and his own shield.Jacedk wrote:New here, but I struggle against the otter fabled pet in vale with the valk/water spirit / chrom team. Am I just straight up stupid or is this team just not very good against him?

Re: Guide to tamer daily pet battles (5.3)
Hey, love your guide. Its really helped me do all these quests fast. Was wondering, since its the beginning of the month, do you have a good team for the darkmoon fight? I had one I was using in 5.2 that was kinda hit or miss.
- Tahsfenz
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Re: Guide to tamer daily pet battles (5.3)
For darkmoon I use
clockwork gnome (2,1,1)
Yellow moth (2,1,2 I think?)
Leveling pet
Start with gnome. After second turret, repair your gnome. Once you get to the Tonk, spam number 1. Usually you can kill the Tonk and get killed by the monkey. Do a double swap for moth and have fez for lunch.
clockwork gnome (2,1,1)
Yellow moth (2,1,2 I think?)
Leveling pet
Start with gnome. After second turret, repair your gnome. Once you get to the Tonk, spam number 1. Usually you can kill the Tonk and get killed by the monkey. Do a double swap for moth and have fez for lunch.

Re: Guide to tamer daily pet battles (5.3)
The fastest way to defeat Jeremy Feasel is with Cabadath's team:Shinsui wrote:Hey, love your guide. Its really helped me do all these quests fast. Was wondering, since its the beginning of the month, do you have a good team for the darkmoon fight? I had one I was using in 5.2 that was kinda hit or miss.
Jeremy Feasel
15 rounds
1: Infinite Whelpling [4] (1,1,1)
2: Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling [-] (1,2,2)
3: Carry pet
vs Judgement
- Tail Sweep > Tail Sweep > Healing Flame > Tail Sweep
vs Honky-Tonk
- Early advantage as soon as you have less than 700HP
- Tail Sweep until your Infinite Whelpling dies > switch to Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling
- Breath until Honky-Tonk dies
vs Fezwick
- Decoy > Breath until Fezwick has 560HP or less > Explode
- Notes: your Carry pet doesn't need to participate, as he will be the only one left alive at the end of the fight and will thus receive his xp. If you are stunned against Honky-Tonk's Shock and Awe (will happen once every 4 fights), you may need to reload the fight. Even though the Zeppelin has a super effective move against Fezwick (Missile), Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling is still better here, because it is faster and will always play first.
Stencil wrote:Nice to see that some of my strats in the guide, though it looks like a couple have already been replaced heh.
I often hit the Deepholm tamer for some extra pet xp on the way to Obalis since there are portals to take me there and bring me back. Here's a strat for him if anyone is interested.
Bordin Steadyfist
12-14 rounds
1: Snarly (1,1,2) Rip, Surge, Blood in the Water
2: carry pet
3: Pandaren Water Spirit (1,2,1) Water Jet, Whirlpool, Dive
vs Ruby
- Ruby is unpredictable in terms of how fast it dies and how much damage you take
- Rip > Blood in the Water > Surge as necessary
vs Crystallus
- Crystallus will Hiss and Apocalypse before chaining Flank which will do around 450 damage if all 3 attacks hit
- Rip > Rip > Rip[s]* > Surge
- substitute Blood in the Water for Rip if off cooldown
- [s] if you think Flank will kill you this round, then you should Surge instead
vs Fracture
- switch to carry pet; Fracture buffs on this turn, so it is safe
- switch to Water Spirit
- Whirlpool > Dive > Water Jet til dead
If Snarly dies to Crystallus, use the opportunity to swap in the carry pet. Make sure to save Dive for Fracture's 4th round so that you'll avoid the Elementium Bolt.
It is indeed a nice and fast little XP boost, and one that I overlooked - until now. Thanks, I'll add this team to the guide later today

Re: Guide to tamer daily pet battles (5.3)
- Added a team for Darkmoon Faire - Jeremy Feasel
- Added a team for Bordin Steadyfist
- Added a team for Bordin Steadyfist
- Quintessence
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Re: Guide to tamer daily pet battles (5.3)
Just a small note on the DMF Tamer fight, using Decoy against the monkey may bug the fight out and prematurely drop you from battle. I haven't attempted it since I think mid-5.2, so maybe they've fixed that bug by now.

Feel free to browse through my pet collecting blog:
- Sound
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Re: Guide to tamer daily pet battles (5.3)
I'm meeting a bit of difficulty in getting this team to work as you suggest it would. Perhaps I'm doing it wrong...Phraide wrote:Wastewalker Shu
14 rounds
1: Zandalari Kneebiter [4] (2,2,2)
2: Chrominius [-] (1,1,2)
3: Carry pet
vs Crusher
- Black Claw > Hunting Party
vs Pounder
- Switch to Chrominius
- Howl > Bite > Surge of Power
vs Mutilator
- Bite (if you can) until your Chrominius dies
- Switch to Carry pet > switch to Zandalari Kneebiter
- Black Claw > Hunting Party
- Notes: You can replace the Zandalari Kneebiter with a Zandalari Anklerender [14] (2,1,2).
Time and time again, my Zandalari Kneebiter keeps getting stuck up on Crusher's Whirlpool (the ability he seems to always use second). I do as you suggest and first use Black Claw + then let Hunting party run it's turns. However, this seems to rarely kill Crusher entirely and so I am forced to use Bloodfang (the 3rd ability you suggested we take) to finish him off. At that point, unless I switch out early to Chrominus, I am forced to let Whirlpool hit. In doing so, it's rooted effect makes my Zandalari Kneebiter unable to be swapped for two rounds.
Not only does this force my Zandalari Kneebiter to battle against Pounder for two rounds.. But it is effectively futile as the only ability the ZK has up while doing so is Black Claw which deals 0 damage. Not that it matters, really, because Pounder's Quake proceeds to quickly finish him off anyways before I get a chance to do much of anything useful.
So, any suggestions? I apologize if I've done a poor job explaining any of this.. I only started pet battling about two months ago and am still very much learning.

Re: Guide to tamer daily pet battles (5.3)
If you don't kill Crusher on round 3, it is because you don't have the good breed on your Zandalari Kneebiter I guess. It must be breed [4]. Does your Zandalari Kneebiter have 341 Attack ?Sound wrote:I'm meeting a bit of difficulty in getting this team to work as you suggest it would. Perhaps I'm doing it wrong...Phraide wrote:Wastewalker Shu
14 rounds
1: Zandalari Kneebiter [4] (2,2,2)
2: Chrominius [-] (1,1,2)
3: Carry pet
vs Crusher
- Black Claw > Hunting Party
vs Pounder
- Switch to Chrominius
- Howl > Bite > Surge of Power
vs Mutilator
- Bite (if you can) until your Chrominius dies
- Switch to Carry pet > switch to Zandalari Kneebiter
- Black Claw > Hunting Party
- Notes: You can replace the Zandalari Kneebiter with a Zandalari Anklerender [14] (2,1,2).
Time and time again, my Zandalari Kneebiter keeps getting stuck up on Crusher's Whirlpool (the ability he seems to always use second). I do as you suggest and first use Black Claw + then let Hunting party run it's turns. However, this seems to rarely kill Crusher entirely and so I am forced to use Bloodfang (the 3rd ability you suggested we take) to finish him off. At that point, unless I switch out early to Chrominus, I am forced to let Whirlpool hit. In doing so, it's rooted effect makes my Zandalari Kneebiter unable to be swapped for two rounds.
Not only does this force my Zandalari Kneebiter to battle against Pounder for two rounds.. But it is effectively futile as the only ability the ZK has up while doing so is Black Claw which deals 0 damage. Not that it matters, really, because Pounder's Quake proceeds to quickly finish him off anyways before I get a chance to do much of anything useful.
So, any suggestions? I apologize if I've done a poor job explaining any of this.. I only started pet battling about two months ago and am still very much learning.
- Tahsfenz
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Re: Guide to tamer daily pet battles (5.3)
If your having trouble with Shu, try Pterrodox Hatchling as your first pet. Lift off when the whirl pool is to go off. Heal with first move against elemental. Rarely ever does the hatchling die before the final pet.

Re: Guide to tamer daily pet battles (5.3)
The suggested Wastewalker Shu strat does not work for me either. None of the suggested attacks are "strong" against his team. I'm still playing with it, but for me I start with Rapana Whelk and then switch to Lil XT right now.
For Jeremy (Darkmoon tamer), I haven't been trying to carry pets against him. That monkey just hits too hard.
I've been using Lil XT, Scourged Whelpling, Dark Phoenix. XT won't take a lot of damage from the Eye, so I do "Heartbroken" and then Tympanic Tantrum. By the time I ever see Bananas, he's only got about 400-500 health left. Scourged Whelp finishes off the Eye, and as much of the tonk as possible. The phoenix mops up the tonk and eats the monkey's first stun. Then XT finishes him off with Zap.
For Jeremy (Darkmoon tamer), I haven't been trying to carry pets against him. That monkey just hits too hard.
I've been using Lil XT, Scourged Whelpling, Dark Phoenix. XT won't take a lot of damage from the Eye, so I do "Heartbroken" and then Tympanic Tantrum. By the time I ever see Bananas, he's only got about 400-500 health left. Scourged Whelp finishes off the Eye, and as much of the tonk as possible. The phoenix mops up the tonk and eats the monkey's first stun. Then XT finishes him off with Zap.
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Re: Guide to tamer daily pet battles (5.3)
First off, great guide! However I too am having issues with Wastewalker Shu. Your strat works fine provided that no abilities miss, however if anything misses it's a loss, and with sandstorm up there is a good chance something will miss. I'm in the process of bad RNG and have missed an ability 5 battles in a row now and lost each one pretty bad.
Re: Guide to tamer daily pet battles (5.3)
- Added a team for Brok
It is a fast and efficient team, but RNG can destroy it indeed. I think I will rework it.Jimbodan wrote:However I too am having issues with Wastewalker Shu. Your strat works fine provided that no abilities miss, however if anything misses it's a loss, and with sandstorm up there is a good chance something will miss. I'm in the process of bad RNG and have missed an ability 5 battles in a row now and lost each one pretty bad.
Re: Guide to tamer daily pet battles (5.3)
It can, if you get lucky. If your Val'kyr can wait to do her combo until both Dive and the Beaver Dam are on cooldown, you can get the whole combo off.This team doesn't work against No-No
It's good that this strat has Chrominius at the end, because with a Howl up the Surge of Power can finish him off.
Re: Guide to tamer daily pet battles (5.3)
Ok, just found an amazing team for Major Payne posted by Stygimoloch on the wow forums. I've only tested it once so far, but it really rocked even with a little RNG issues
1. Corefire Imp (1,1,2)
2. Cogblade Raptor [5] (2,1,1)
3. carry pet
vs Grizzle
-cast immolation, then Wild Magic. Switch to Cogblade Raptor
-cast Exposed Wounds, then Batter until Grizzle dies
vs. Beakmaster
-cast Exposed Wounds, then Batter until it dies
vs. Flore
-cast Exposed Wounds, then Batter until Cogblade dies.
-switch to carry pet, then switch to Corefire Imp.
-cast immolation, Wild Magic. Burn until it dies.
1. Corefire Imp (1,1,2)
2. Cogblade Raptor [5] (2,1,1)
3. carry pet
vs Grizzle
-cast immolation, then Wild Magic. Switch to Cogblade Raptor
-cast Exposed Wounds, then Batter until Grizzle dies
vs. Beakmaster
-cast Exposed Wounds, then Batter until it dies
vs. Flore
-cast Exposed Wounds, then Batter until Cogblade dies.
-switch to carry pet, then switch to Corefire Imp.
-cast immolation, Wild Magic. Burn until it dies.
Re: Guide to tamer daily pet battles (5.3)
Its worked the three times I've tried it, but it was always a close thing and IIRC I've had to finish him off with the carry pet at least once. My Kneebiter is a P/P breed though, so Crusher has always died at the right time. I did learn the hard way that Black Claw is not optional versus Mutilator and if it misses because of Sandstorm you do, even if your health looks worryingly low, have to cast it again for hunting party to do good enough damage versus the Sandstorm and Spiked Shield reductions.Phraide wrote:It is a fast and efficient team, but RNG can destroy it indeed. I think I will rework it.
What pet do you pair with the Pterrodax and when do you swap? Cabadath had the strat of Spawn of Onyxia + Darkmoon Tonk and that was based on the same ability pairing of having Lift-Off plus a heal. I used to miss all the time with the Lift-off, though, and it would drive me bonkers. I'd get a second whirlpool which could not be avoided (Lift-Off still on cooldown) and that led to some wipes and I hate those.Tahsfenz wrote:If your having trouble with Shu, try Pterrodox Hatchling as your first pet. Lift off when the whirl pool is to go off. Heal with first move against elemental.
EDIT: moved my Wastewalker Shu strat to [url=]this post[/url].
Last edited by Stencil on July 22nd, 2013, 3:35 am, edited 5 times in total.