Pet Battle Tamers Information

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Re: Pet Battle Tamers Information

Post by Cropher » August 16th, 2012, 7:37 am

Quintessence wrote:I found Aki the Chosen (Grand Master Pet Tamer) in Pandaria (Vale of Eternal Blossoms), on the edge of The Summer Fields lake. She was walking around with her three level 25 elite pets.

Has anyone noticed if all Grand Master Pet Tamers have elite pets? Or perhaps just the highest level (25) ones?
As you surmise, it's just the high-end ones that have elite pets. At least that's what I've found. Oh, and if you're having trouble getting to the one in Kun-Lai Summit, there's a little doorway at the edge of the cwm where the map seems to put him. He's in a small cave. I tried looking through the other big caves before I noticed his entrance.
For anyone who needs help beating Aki (it's tough, even with 3 level-25 rare pets), remember that dots are your friend - during the lightning storm (from her dragon) each pulse of the dot counts as an attack, and will do extra damage, even "weak" attacks. It's partly chance, too, though, of course; sometimes just healing up and trying it again will work.
Sometimes. ;)
I'm still not getting achievement credit for beating them, though; yesterday when I fought Lydia I finally got credit for "Beating a Pet Battle Master" but didn't get credit for beating her specifically. But I can do the dailies, so it's counting the victories even if it's not "aware" of them. Sigh... that's why it's beta... :roll:

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Re: Pet Battle Tamers Information

Post by Imthedci » August 16th, 2012, 8:22 am

Yeah, the tamer achievements are acting weirdly. I seem to get credit for beating a tamer, but it doesn't seem to be showing up until the next login.

And, yeah, it took me a bit to find that one in Kun-Lai. You don't really expect them to be inside.

Anyway, grats on defeating Aki! :o
You have gained a new title: <Tamer Cropher>! :mrgreen:

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Re: Pet Battle Tamers Information

Post by Imthedci » August 18th, 2012, 5:18 pm

The final push: Pandaria!

Battle Pet Trainers: Northrend
All of the following trainers have Epic quality pets. Defeating all of them (and turning in the quest) will get you a reward of gold and a Sack of Pet Supplies. Each time you defeat one of them, you will get the Pet Recovery debuff, which will not allow you to battle any other Grand Master (or Zen Master) Pet Tamers until the 5 min. duration wears off (or you die).

Jade Forest
Hyuna of the Shrines <Grand Master Pet Tamer>
Location: Just off the main road, N of .
Pet Level: 25
Pet 1: Fangor (Snake?, Health 1500/Power 280/Speed 350, Hiss, Vicious Fang, Burrow)
Pet 2: Skyshaper (Shrine Fly, Health 1500/Power 311/Speed 623, Confusing Sting, Slicing Wind, Glowing Toxin)
Pet 3: Dor the Wall (Turtle?, Health 1850/Power 280/Speed 280, Shell Shield, Headbutt, Healing Wave)
*Unique Skin: uses the skin.

Valley of the Four Winds
Farmer Nishi <Grand Master Pet Tamer>
Location: Fork in the main path that's SE of the "D" in "THE HEARTLAND"
Pet Level: 25
Pet 1: Toothbreaker (Terrible Turnip, Health 1850/Power 280/Speed 280, Leech Seed, Inspiring Song, Sons of the Root)
Pet 2: Siren (Singing Sunflower, Health 1657/Power 311/Speed 280, Photosynthesis, Sunlight, Solar Beam)
Pet 3: Brood of Mothran (Silkworm?, Health 1657/Power 280/Speed 311, Consume, Acidic Goo, Burrow)

Krasarang Wilds
Mo'ruk <Grand Master Pet Tamer>
Location: Lounges at the beach camp on W side of the island W of the Silty Shallows.
Pet Level: 25
Pet 1: Lightstalker (Moth?, Health 1500/Power 311/Speed 623, Alpha Strike, Moth Balls, Moth Dust)
Pet 2: Woodcarver (Grub?, Health 1657/Power 280/Speed 311, Consume, Acidic Goo, Burrow)
Pet 3: Needleback (Tortoise?, Health 1850/Power 280/Speed 280, Headbutt, Grasp, Powerball)
*Unique Skin: ? uses the ? skin.

Kun-Lai Summit
Courageous Yon <Grand Master Pet Tamer>
Location: Inside a cave at the top of Kota Peak.
Pet Level: 25
Pet 1: Piqua* (Chicken?, Health 1832/Power 315/Speed 693, Squawk, Lift-Off, Flock)
Pet 2: Lapin (Tolai Hare, Health 1832/Power 315/Speed 346, Flurry, Adrenaline Rush, Burrow)
Pet 3: Bleat (Summit Kid, Health 1500/Power 311/Speed 311, Chew, Bleat, Stampede)
Note: No way to tell currently what kind of chicken Piqua is or if it's a normal Chicken.
*Unique Skin: Piqua uses the Bush Chicken model and skin.

Townlong Steppes
Seeker Zusshi <Grand Master Pet Tamer>
Location: ESE bank of the lake, NNW of Niuzao Temple.
Pet Level: 25
Pet 1: Mollus (Snail?, Health 1657/Power 280/Speed 311, Absorb, Acidic Goo, Dive)
Pet 2: Diamond (Ice Chip, Health 1850/Power 280/Speed 280, Frost Shock, Frost Nova, Howling Blast)
Pet 3: Skimmer (Aqua Strider, Health 1657/Power 280/Speed 311, Soothe, Cleansing Rain, Pump)
*Unique Skin: ? uses the ? skin.

Dread Wastes
Wastewalker Shu <Grand Master Pet Tamer>
Location: Just outside the S entrance to Klaxxi'vess
Pet Level: 25
Pet 1: Pounder (Grinder, Health 1850/Power 280/Speed 280, Sandstorm, Rupture, Quake)
Pet 2: Crusher (Crab?, Health 1657/Power 311/Speed 280, Surge, Renewing Mists, Whirlpool)
Pet 3: Mutilator (Hedgehog?, Health 1500/Power 350/Speed 280, Spiked Skin, Counterstrike, Powerball)
Note: No way to tell currently if Mutilator is a Silent Hedgehog or a Clouded Hedgehog.
*Unique Skin: ? uses the ? skin.

Defeating all the Pandaria Grand Masters and turning in the quest will give you the quest for the Zen Master.

Pandaria Zen Master

Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Major Payne <Zen Master Pet Tamer>
Location: W bank of the lake around Mogu'shan Palace
Pet Level: 25
Pet 1: Stormlash* (Dragonling?, Health 1769/Power 334/Speed 300, Call Lightning, Tail Sweep, Roar)
Pet 2: Chirrup (Cricket?, Health 1600/Power 300/Speed 375, Swarm, Nature's Touch, Inspiring Song)
Pet 3: Whiskers (Golden Civit, Health 1600/Power 334/Speed 334, Surge, Survival, Dive)
Note: All pets are Elite. (Don't know if this means anything.) All pets are also Legendary Rarity.
*Unique Skin: Stormlash's skin also is covered in lightning.

Defeating the Zen Master will get you a reward of gold and a Sack of Pet Supplies. It will also open daily quests for Pandaria.

Congratulations! You've defeated all of the trainers on Azeroth and the Outlands. You have gained a new title: Tamer!

(Note: Will update all the holes and put this in one big post later. I need a nap! :lol: )

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Re: Pet Battle Tamers Information

Post by Mmosimca » September 21st, 2012, 11:27 am

Interesting. I saw that Blizzard had added a localization string for Legendary pets, but didn't they would actually use them. I figured they were just being lazy and copy-pasting the existing strings.

The stats you've listed don't match my formula for Poor/Common/Uncommon/Rare pets, but if I extrapolated theoretically, they do match what Legendary would be, so I guess that's proof enough.

Slightly off-topic, are there any Epic/Legendary quality pets that are obtainable by players? I thought the Darkmoon Rabbit was an Epic-quality Battle Pet, but after reviewing its stats, it is only Rare (though it does have two unique abilities).

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Re: Pet Battle Tamers Information

Post by Quintessence » September 21st, 2012, 8:02 pm

Mmosimca wrote:Slightly off-topic, are there any Epic/Legendary quality pets that are obtainable by players? I thought the Darkmoon Rabbit was an Epic-quality Battle Pet, but after reviewing its stats, it is only Rare (though it does have two unique abilities).
Currently there are no known epic or legendary quality pets. If there are, they must be REALLY difficult to find/capture because there's been no mention of them and the beta's been open for a while!
Feel free to browse through my pet collecting blog:

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