Find people willing to do 50 Arena games with you just for the pet!

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Re: Arena Pass 2013 (US)
by Shaytan » June 23rd, 2013, 1:53 pm
I rarely PVP anymore.
I've played a Disc. Priest in PvE for the last year, I have a background as a Lock for several years but not a whole lot since MoP was released.
I'm definitely game to play for the pet though.
Battletag - Shaytan#2568
I normally get home around 6pm PDT M-F (thought I typically crashout before 8pm PDT) and have most Weekends Off.
Lets get us some Murkimus!
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by Schizix » June 24th, 2013, 2:44 am
Darktower wrote:Just a quick question..Does each person need to pay $20? Or just 1 person to make the team and then invite 2 others?
It's 20$ / person, bear in mind the PVP stuff is happening on a completely different server from your normal day to day game.
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by Schizix » June 24th, 2013, 8:56 am
Darktower wrote:Ok then my wife and I have both paid and are looking for a third..We work the grave shift so we need someone who can play in the morning's 8am-11am cst..We both suck at pvp and are just doing it for the pet..Add my BT Darktower#1766 if you wanna team up with us..
Hey Darktower,
I just subbed myself as well, and am in need of a team, I'll add your btag a little later on, but just in case, mine is schizix#1617.
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by Ono » June 24th, 2013, 11:44 am
I'm interesting. Just looking for 50 games.
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by Farnzworth » June 24th, 2013, 3:49 pm
I also signed up to do the arena pass. i was hoping to do the grind on a saturday. my battletag is TheFarnz#157 if anyone wants to team up. thanks
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by Llamallab » June 24th, 2013, 10:39 pm
I am looking for a group to do this my battle tag is Llamallab#1191. I normally play after 6 pm pst. I am avail this weekend to get all the battles done! add me and we can talk about it!
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by Deqd » June 24th, 2013, 11:42 pm
Interested in this.
DMoney #1573
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by Aerozia » June 25th, 2013, 12:38 am
My friend Mort and I are looking for a third, i am a pvper, but mort is not, this will be losses for the pet. add me on battle tag if you care to join us. we play anytime usually from noon to like 2 at night, US.
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by Alisonder » June 25th, 2013, 4:33 am
I'm quite interested as well, I'm a night owl on pacific time
I'm out of town until july 1, I hope I can get some battles done then.

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by Melmo » June 25th, 2013, 11:51 am
My boyfriend and I are looking for another person, we will play on Wednesday & Thursday afternoon and evenings (our days off work) and other times could possibly be arranged as well! Please message me on Warcraftpets or add my battle tag, thanks so much!!
Edit: Another player found, thanks everyone!
Last edited by
Melmo on June 26th, 2013, 7:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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by Mintoes » June 25th, 2013, 2:50 pm
Arena Realm is live! I have created a few players and will be getting them ready this evening. I formed a team but I am looking to Join a team as well to make sure I am qualified for the pet. Haven't done arenas or PVP much for a while but I do respect the people who do so I am looking for like minded players to join with. I am not looking for 50 matches standing around naked dancing. We don't have to win but I think the whole thing will be more enjoyable if we at least try and fail we will at least get a few wins against those of you that will be standing around naked and dancing.
Please contact me via my battletag if you are interested in joining my team or need an extra player for your team. Normally the best time for me to play games is on Friday-Sunday but I am avaliable during the week after 6 pm and up to midnight EST. I will commit to playing enough games on my team so that every player up to 6 maximum gets at least there 50 games on and won't be removing any members as long as you get your 50 games in.
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by Norkke » June 25th, 2013, 7:18 pm
I'm interested in doing this. Have paid my $20 registration already. In Melb, Australia for time zone, available most days from 1pm to 10pm. Battletag under name there.

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by Tenshiame » June 26th, 2013, 1:05 am
I reaaaaaally need a team. I'll play horde or ally I don't really care, just want my pet. I'm in japan so time zone is the same as korea or australia. please msg me

paid for my arena pass too
Dizzyfly - Posts:13
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by Dizzyfly » June 26th, 2013, 8:32 am
I would love to join 2 other to do 50 matches i live on the east coast could be on any night for some matches
Kriss -
by Kriss » June 26th, 2013, 9:37 am
I would love to give this a try, I play 6pm ish to midnight Eastern time mon-fri and weekends depends on family obligations. I can lose 50 pvp rated matches easy, I mean participate in and do not care if I am on the bottom of the ratings I just want the pet. I am not good at PVP but I would try not to die.

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by Silverthorn » June 26th, 2013, 9:47 am
Signed up, found some buddies. When will the practice server be up? If it is already up, how do I get to it?
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by Pezhead7 » June 26th, 2013, 9:50 am
I'm very interested in playing with a couple of collectors.
I play a rogue as my main (been active since vanilla's release).
My guild has a ventrilo server our team could use (though I'm open to Skype, or anything else).
I'm free any night Monday - Thursday, after 6:00pm central standard time.
Please feel free to hit me up

Last edited by
Pezhead7 on June 26th, 2013, 5:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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by Kannon » June 26th, 2013, 10:11 am
Registered and looking for a team to get the battle pet. PvP'd quite a bit during BC but no real arena exp. I can power thru 50 matches for an awesome pet no prob...
I'm on most nights 5pm - 9:30ishpm (CST), and free most anytime on weekends 7:30am - 9pm (CST)
However Tuesday/Thursday nights 6:30pm-9pm (CST) are my raid nights.
Vent and Mumble capable.
Friend me if you'er looking to fill your team and grab this pet...
BattleTag: Kannon#1400