Items I have:
Flawless Battle-Stone x 5
Marked Flawless Battle-Stone x 3
Flawless Elemental Battle-Stone x 4
Flawless Aquatic Battle-Stone x 1
Flawless Undead Battle-Stone x 0
Flawless Magic Battle-Stone x 3
Flawless Dragonkin Battle-Stone x 1
Flawless Humanoid Battle-Stone x 3
Flawless Mechanical Battle-Stone x 1
Flawless Flying Battle-Stone x 1
Flawless Beast Battle-Stone x 0
Flawless Critter Battle-Stone x 12
Wind Rider Cub
Skunky Alemental (H/P) (Sold)
Lil' Bling - already stoned (Sold)
Lil' Bad Wolf (Sold)
Hyjal Bear Cub (Sold)
Crimson Lasher (Sold)
Macabre Marionette - already stoned (Sold)
Gilnean Raven lvl 25 (s/s)
Darkmoon Eye x 1 (LvL 1)
Ashleaf Spriteling LvL 25(P/P) -already stoned
Darkmoon Eye x 1 (LvL 25) (sorry about just having a few pets to trade...sold most of them)

Non Pet TCG item:
Picnic Baske
Pets Wanted:
Viscous Horror (TY Sibi <3!!)
Blackfuse Bombling (Obtained)
Gooey Sha-ling (Thanx Leathercream!)
Gulp Froglet (Thanx Leathercream!)
Dandelion Frolicker (Obtained)
Droplet of Y'Shaarj (Thanx Misstic!)
Spineclaw Crab (Thanx Kaputt!!)
Vengeful Porcupette (Thanx Gammstein)
Azure Whelping (Thanx Unf)
Crimson Whelping (Thanx Retzilla)
Emerald Whelping (Thanx again Unf!)
Darkmoon Rabbit (Thanx Melmo!!)
Disgusting Oozeling (Thanx Stark)
Pygmy Direhorn (Thanx Osteen)
Firefly (Obtained)
Festival Lantern (Thanx Bob!)
Lunar Lantern (Obtained)
Black Tabby Cat (Obtained)
Gundrak Hatchling (Obtained)
Living Fluid (Thanx Osteen!)
Dragon Kite (Thanx Callianja!)
Bananas (Obtained)
Hippogryph Hatchling (Thanx Nymphis!)
Tuskarr Kite (Thanx to my hubby for the bday gift! <3)
Only in my dreams:
Ethereal Soul-Trader (TCG) (TY Sibi <3!!)
Rocket Chicken (TCG) (Thx Tightface!)
Spectral Tiger Cub (TCG) (Thanx to Ilah!!!)
Wind Rider Cub (Thanx to Blizz!!! Finally!) - (Who says dreams can't come true!

***I am willing to trade bulk stones in combination with pets that I have for certain pets that are on my want list.***.
I apologize in advance if the pets on the list are sold, since they are currently in the AH up for sale. If I get more stones, pets or items worth the trade of any of these pets I will update the forums. Thank you all for your interest and just for taking a glance!

Battle Tag ID#: Annys72#1333