(US Madoran) Raiding in 5.4

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(US Madoran) Raiding in 5.4

Post by Doobjanka » August 15th, 2013, 10:32 pm

Many people have been asking about raiding since this guild was founded, and it wasn't until Flex was announced that I gave it serious thought. Don't get me wrong, any member is able to put together a raid group if they want to. I have nothing against you doing things I'm not present for.

With that disclaimer out of the way, here's what you need to know if you're at all interested in raiding with Doobjanka in 5.4.

1. I don't see raiding as a job. You will never get homework, you won't be penalized if you can't go but raiding spots are first come, first served.

2. I prefer to experience all raid bosses fresh. You're only a noob once and it's a lot more fun to be able to chat later about how terribly you wiped before you finally figured out the mechanics than to spend 30 minutes explaining a fight in vent. I know this style is not for everyone so don't sign up if you can't stand dying horribly constantly. We will make progress, but I have no plans to ever see heroic modes until I can zerg them in 6.0.

3. Again, if you feel the need to explain fights before actually attempting them, this is not the raid group for you.

Example from my old guild raiding Firelands:

"Okay, there's this Hunter guy with two pets coming up now. Try to tank them all." Group wipes. "Okay, run back. Now this time maybe tank both the adds near him." Group wipes. "Okay, one of these dogs is jumping all over the place and killing people. Maybe we should kill him first."

4. I find wipes hilarious, the more complex the better. If you get frustrated by dying, this might not be for you. I always end up with that one raider that will fall off anything it's possible to fall off of. Or life gripped off of if Ertin is there.
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Re: (US Madoran) Raiding in 5.4

Post by Petzy » August 17th, 2013, 12:55 am

That sounds like a fun way to learn. :D

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Re: (US Madoran) Raiding in 5.4

Post by Gorja » August 18th, 2013, 8:36 am

I'm game for this style raiding! As long as Garrosh dies a most horrible death

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Re: (US Madoran) Raiding in 5.4

Post by Tizril » August 18th, 2013, 8:50 am

Hehe, you mentioned me >.< I *should* be back to playing regularly before 5.4 comes out.

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Re: (US Madoran) Raiding in 5.4

Post by Conradforbis » August 18th, 2013, 9:20 pm

This sounds like the type of raiding atmosphere that I'm looking for. My wife is a hardcore raider, and I am really not. lol. I can't keep up with her guild. Heroics aren't my thing. I like a challenge but I don't want raiding to feel like a job.

HOWEVER, I have one question. My "raiding" main is in another guild. Would this exclude me from being able to attend?

Edit: I should mention that my main is on Madoran already.

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Re: (US Madoran) Raiding in 5.4

Post by Slushie » August 19th, 2013, 4:53 pm

Now, I like the way this type of raiding sounds. :D
I was, long ago, in a raiding guild and it was very strict and buttoned-up. You came, did your job (and it better be done right or you might lose your spot in the raid and guild), and rewards were handed out. I only lasted one raid session because I didn't like the atmosphere. I feel raiding should be fun and relaxed. Otherwise, it's just not for me.

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Re: (US Madoran) Raiding in 5.4

Post by Nisdenar » September 4th, 2013, 2:32 pm

I am certainly interested in guild raids. I have been raiding since MC was first introduced... all those years ago... and was a pretty hard-core raider until only a year or so ago.

I do not want to go back to the hard-core, 4-5 nights a week raiding I used to do. But I am finding LFRs unfulfilling. There are some challenges, but not what I am used to from real raids. There is nothing like working on a boss for hours, or days and finally defeating it (by the skin of your teeth). I miss it.

Unfortunately for me, based on the discussions at the meeting about guild raiding a couple weeks ago; it appears the the "night of choice" is Tuesday's... the one night a week that I have other commitments and cannot partisipate.

I hope that the guild has a positive experience with it's experiment in raiding, and expands its raid activities to nights besides Tuesdays.


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Re: (US Madoran) Raiding in 5.4

Post by Doobjanka » September 5th, 2013, 6:19 am

Turns out I have more than one day off now, so raid nights can be Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday. Whenever we have the people willing to go!
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Re: (US Madoran) Raiding in 5.4

Post by Risatina » September 9th, 2013, 7:31 am

Doobjanka wrote: if you feel the need to explain fights before actually attempting them, this is not the raid group for you.
THIS. Oh, a thousand times.. this. :D

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Re: (US Madoran) Raiding in 5.4

Post by Radnok » September 13th, 2013, 12:31 pm

this sounds like my style of raiding, and now that I am back in game and hit 90, I'd like to give it a shot. I can probably do Tuesdays/Thursdays. Question then becomes what time?
Radnok (Alliance/Kilrogg)
Igasho/Pandirella (Horde/Madoran)

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