by Poofah » October 16th, 2012, 1:27 pm
Yikes. This is super useful, but also quite daunting. For example, Flayer Youngling has 10(!) breedids, all with distinct statistics. We can only have 3 at maximum: that makes the collector in me sad. It also means I might have to throw one of mine away so I can try for the 325 speed version: it was hard enough finding rares in the first place!
Also, it seems that pre-MoP pets can also have multiple breedIDs? For example, Nether Ray Fry and Tiny Sporebat have 4 and 3 unique stat configurations, respectively. Does it choose among these randomly when I learn it? If I go back to the vendor, can I buy more until I get the one I want? I just assumed the non-captured pets would be identical from one to the next. Thankfully this doesn't seem to apply to the one-per-account pets (CE and promotion pets), so we don't have to worry about getting a 'bad' Grunty or Frosty or etc.*
some other non-captured pets that seem to have multiple distinct breedIDs (not comprehensive): Ghostly Skull, Armadillo Pup, Cockatiel, Senegal, Ancona Chicken, Tickbird Hatchling, Blue Clockwork Rocket Bot, Rustberg Gull, Darkmoon Cub, Jade Owl.
*Actually, Brilliant Kaliri has 3 breedIDs but is an achievement reward and hence unique. Also, Jade Tentacle has 2 distinct breedIDs.
My Brilliant Kaliri is the one with 273 speed, and my Jade Tentacle also has 273 speed. Can anyone confirm that they have a different version of either of these?