WTT Blackfuse Bombling-Zul'jin Horde
Greetings and salutations fellow collectors. I have luckily come across a lovely Blackfuse Bombling. The breed is H/H and he is quite devious looking milling about, looking for something to blow up. I am looking for a gold on Zul'jin or possibly a TCG mount. Please refer to the Undermine Journal for average pricing, and refrain from low balling me. I will consider offers in the 65-75k range nps! For those of you on lower pop servers with a lack of raiding, it will be quite some time before you can get your hands on one of these explosive little devils! Thanks in advance, and happy hunting!
Last edited by Dominò42 on September 27th, 2013, 12:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Sweetdr0ps
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Re: WTT Blackfuse Bombling-Zul'jin Horde
would you be interested in a savage raptor mount? if so btag is sweetdr0ps#1199
Re: WTT Blackfuse Bombling-Zul'jin Horde
While I appreciate the offer, I think I'll hold out for something a bit more unique. There are so many raptors in game as is.
- Dragonwizard
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Re: WTT Blackfuse Bombling-Zul'jin Horde
Any interest in a X-51 Nether Rocket (rare version) for it?
"Even when you are winning soundly, you must always give your opponent a way to retreat with honor. If you don't, then he has no reason to surrender. He will fight until the bitter end, and you will pay a larger price for victory."
- Kaputt
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Re: WTT Blackfuse Bombling-Zul'jin Horde
interested in TCG pets?
Re: WTT Blackfuse Bombling-Zul'jin Horde
Hi Kaputt, it would have to be something along the lines of a soul trader for me to consider said trade. With the incessant duping that's been occurring, prices have dropped dramatically on my server. Matter of fact, I traded a spectral cub for said bombling. They can be had for as little as 40k here now sadly.
I was however quite humored when a rogue from one of the top raiding guilds tried telling me the bombling was only worth 10k.
I was however quite humored when a rogue from one of the top raiding guilds tried telling me the bombling was only worth 10k.
Re: WTT Blackfuse Bombling-Zul'jin Horde
Slight update to original post!
- Kaputt
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Re: WTT Blackfuse Bombling-Zul'jin Horde
Add me and let's discuss in game? I'll be on in a few hours time
Re: WTT Blackfuse Bombling-Zul'jin Horde
Sent an battle tag request, should be on late into the evening!
- Moriggs
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Re: WTT Blackfuse Bombling-Zul'jin Horde
it also drops in LFR so I'd expect the price to come way down next week when that wing opens for LFR.
Re: WTT Blackfuse Bombling-Zul'jin Horde
Had a nice chat with Kaputt, mulling over his offer. Bombling is still available in the meantime!
Re: WTT Blackfuse Bombling-Zul'jin Horde
Hello there good sir, I sent you an in-game mail. My toon is also in Zuljin if you would be so kind to read it when you get the chance.
Re: WTT Blackfuse Bombling-Zul'jin Horde
Hi Silv! I got your in game mail. Alas, the price on frolickers is tanking by the hour! Having said that, I will have to pass. If you can sweeten the deal with a bit more coin and perhaps a Pierre/Rascal bot we could definitely chat.
- Charyse
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Re: WTT Blackfuse Bombling-Zul'jin Horde
Good evening,
Please add me, Arcadya#1563, to discuss an offer.
Thank you,
Please add me, Arcadya#1563, to discuss an offer.
Thank you,
Re: WTT Blackfuse Bombling-Zul'jin Horde
I'll trade you a Cataclysm CE code for it (Lil' Deathwing).
Re: WTT Blackfuse Bombling-Zul'jin Horde
Free bump, still available!
Will also accept gold on illidan or stormrage US.
Will also accept gold on illidan or stormrage US.
Re: WTT Blackfuse Bombling-Zul'jin Horde
The bombling has found a happy new home, thank you to all the wonderful people I had the opportunity to speak with.