<<Replaced by 8 part 5.4 Guide>>
Well in 20 attempts (using the harder hitting Railgun) I never once saw Judgement even close to dying after the 2nd turret was down and the gnome was repairing. That's the bad news. The good news is Honky-Tonk can be a real annoying enemy when you WANT him to stun you when he comes in. He wouldn't do it, not once. So here's the result (I had to wing things when the Gnome died a little early once or twice, and changed up the Honky-Tonk moves based on his health and my speed.Nytemarerulez wrote:19 rounds -
1 Clockwork Gnome (1,2,1) - didn't test using 2,2,1 - this might be better has it give more damage on tonk but 5% extra miss chance
2 Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling (1,2,2)
Vs Judgment
Build Turret > Metal Fist/Railgun > Metal Fist/Raligun > Build Turret > Repair - in my testing Judgment died here
Vs Tonk
In Repair Mode > In Repair Mode > Build Turret > Metal FIst/Raligun / Metal Fist > Build Turret > Metal Fist > You should die for good here
Switch to Dragonling > Bombing run (should be enough to kill him for good)
Vs Fez
Breath > Explode > Bombing run hits and kills him carry pet get xps
I did it with Metal fist has it had the higher accuracy but if you use Railgun I bet it would go even faster.
The Work: 19 19 19 18 17 19 18 17 17 17 17 19 20 17 19 19+19 20 16 18 17 = 20 wins, 1 loss, 381 rounds, avg 19 per win
- 1:
Clockwork Gnome [-] (2,1,1)
2:Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling [-] (1,1,1)
3: Carry pet
- - Turret > Railgun > Railgun > Turret > Repair > Turret > Railgun til Judgement dies (usually just once)
- - Turret when up unless Railgun will push him into Recovery, Railgun otherwise. Ideally you will kill him with one turret still up for Fezwick, even if Gnome perma-dies before the Tonk does. If Gnome dies, switch to Dragonling.
- If Honky-Tonk has > 349 health Bombing Run > Breath until he dies.
- If Honky-Tonk has < 350 health Breath > Bombing Run > Breath until he dies.
- - Bombing run if up > Breath otherwise BUT you must die and kill Fezwick on the same turn, so pass if you have to
- Explode with Fezwick < 561 health, this can happen if you crit with Breath, or Bombing Run already landed.
- If Bombing Run will be hitting him on the turn you explode Fezwick can have 980 health.
- This is done so your carry pet will not take any hits.
Edit: I needed to clean this up as it was unclear upon re-reading.
Last edited by Rendigar on October 9th, 2013, 11:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Sound
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Re: 5.4 Guide to Master Tamer (levelling) + Beasts of Fable
This is a WONDERFUL piece of work. THANK YOU!!!! 

Re: 5.4 Guide to Master Tamer (levelling) + Beasts of Fable
This is an awesome piece of work. Thank you.
With the limit at 1000 pets now I think if two or three of the same pets can be used and get the job done faster it should be mentioned
With the limit at 1000 pets now I think if two or three of the same pets can be used and get the job done faster it should be mentioned
Re: 5.4 Guide to Master Tamer (levelling) + Beasts of Fable
Yeah, back in the 5.3 thread someone noted that the shift in positions of the Mechanical Dragonling's abilities and I did some thinking and testing and made [url=http://www.warcraftpets.com/community/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=4314&p=44443#p44443]this post[/url] where projected that Bombing Run + Explode would actually perform better than the 5.3 strat of Decoy + Explode. The two main reasons were:Rendigar wrote:I am pretty sure [profile]Stencil[/profile] was the person who posted the thoughts on this fight involving this (sorry, too lazy to look it up, brain fried from the same fight 40+ times today).
- Since Dragonling is faster both Decoy > Attack and Attack > pass while stunned give you the same amount of damage done versus Fezwick. All you get from Decoy is whatever damage you block on that second round. If Fezwick does Banana Barrage then you will only block the first chunk of that damage (150 points maybe?) which is pretty weak.
- Tooltip math says that, on average, to kill Fezwick you need Explode and 3 Breaths or Explode, Bombing Run and 1 Breath. Fewer needed Breaths is the big reason why its better.
So in the final analysis, it looked to me like the Bombing Run + Explode combination would probably take less damage on average than Decoy + Explode and would be better for that reason. Low RNG on your damage could require you to need a second Breath, but even then you shouldn't be taking that much more incoming than you would have with Decoy and 3 Breaths.
Honky-Tonks RNG versus the Inifinite Whelpling (did he screw your Early Advantage by stunning you with Shock and Awe? did he open with lock-on and you had too much health and so Early Advantage only hit once?) seems to have the most impact on the fight.
Also, with Bombing Run it may be best practice to never let your whelpling actually kill Honk-Tonk when it has that chance, just push him into Failsafe. That makes the timing nicer for the Dragonling; the risk is you miss that Breath on Honky Tonk and eat a Shock and Awe.
TL;DR - there's still all kinds of RNG but if you were happy with Infinite Whelpling and Mechanical Dragonling (Decoy,Explode) in 5.3 then you should be just as happy with the same pets using Bombing Run, Explode instead.
Re: 5.4 Guide to Master Tamer (levelling) + Beasts of Fable
For a tradeoff, you can get rid of one part of the RNG of infinite whelp vs honky tonk. I've been testing out switching healing flame for weakness with good results:
Tail Sweep
Tail Sweep (dragon racial goes up)
Weakness (makes you faster than the magic pet and resets the dragon racial)
Tail Sweep (dragon racial goes up)
So at this point, you've only been hit 3x (weakness prevented last hit) and the magic pet should be dead (barring misses). In addition, you definitely have less health than honky tonk, you have the dragon racial again, and you should have enough health to survive an attack.
The RNG against this strat is mostly from Shock and Awe, but aside from that, I have consistently gotten Honky Tonk down to 2 hits left (hit to kill him + hit to rekill him). At this point the infinite whelpling usually will die on the next turn.
I'm not sure if this is helpful for you or not, but something to consider.
Tail Sweep
Tail Sweep (dragon racial goes up)
Weakness (makes you faster than the magic pet and resets the dragon racial)
Tail Sweep (dragon racial goes up)
So at this point, you've only been hit 3x (weakness prevented last hit) and the magic pet should be dead (barring misses). In addition, you definitely have less health than honky tonk, you have the dragon racial again, and you should have enough health to survive an attack.
The RNG against this strat is mostly from Shock and Awe, but aside from that, I have consistently gotten Honky Tonk down to 2 hits left (hit to kill him + hit to rekill him). At this point the infinite whelpling usually will die on the next turn.
I'm not sure if this is helpful for you or not, but something to consider.
Last edited by Jerebear on October 13th, 2013, 10:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
Carry Pet Experience Reference Guide:
Re: 5.4 Guide to Master Tamer (levelling) + Beasts of Fable
Interesting, I'll definitely try this out next time the Faire is up.Jerebear wrote:For a tradeoff, you can get rid of one part of the RNG of infinite whelp vs honky tonk. I've been testing out switching healing flame for weakness with good results ... I'm not sure if this is helpful for you or not, but something to consider.
Re: 5.4 Guide to Master Tamer (levelling) + Beasts of Fable
Just to add a bit with the newer pets:
A P/P Spineclaw Crab(1/2/2) definitely serves as a good replacement for Chuck vs Zusshi and the Fire Spirit. For Fire Spirit it ends up going Rip -> BitW -> Heal and without a crit, the Fire Spirit dies from the DoT at that turn. I've had my crab live long enough after that to get another BitW off on the flyer after that.
On Zusshi, I go Rip -> BitW -> Heal -> Rip, at which point the elemental dies, and usually he can solo the snail completely, and get a good ways into the water strider before dying. I've even had to swap or pass to keep him from killing the strider before swapping in my carry pet.
I've also tested Chichi on the water spirit, and he can solo the first two easily with Alpha Strike, and Ethereal through the bombs on Marley. I've been able to get through the Water Spirit elemental as well with Chichi(after swapping to my carry pet and back when its throwing out bombs) though it's been a fairly close thing.
*edit* Singing Cricket also works as a standin for the Red Cricket on Shu.
A P/P Spineclaw Crab(1/2/2) definitely serves as a good replacement for Chuck vs Zusshi and the Fire Spirit. For Fire Spirit it ends up going Rip -> BitW -> Heal and without a crit, the Fire Spirit dies from the DoT at that turn. I've had my crab live long enough after that to get another BitW off on the flyer after that.
On Zusshi, I go Rip -> BitW -> Heal -> Rip, at which point the elemental dies, and usually he can solo the snail completely, and get a good ways into the water strider before dying. I've even had to swap or pass to keep him from killing the strider before swapping in my carry pet.
I've also tested Chichi on the water spirit, and he can solo the first two easily with Alpha Strike, and Ethereal through the bombs on Marley. I've been able to get through the Water Spirit elemental as well with Chichi(after swapping to my carry pet and back when its throwing out bombs) though it's been a fairly close thing.
*edit* Singing Cricket also works as a standin for the Red Cricket on Shu.