WTT Raid Mounts for Pets! First come, first serve! {HORDE}
Hey everyone,
I'm not trying to steal Tigger's thunder here, but he is only one person so I figured i'd offer something similar so people can have more chances to get the mount they want! This is HORDE only! Just so you are aware of the kind of mount person I am, I am currently in the top 100 in the entire world for mount total @260. I am 32nd in the United States, so whatever im doing....it works! The mounts I will be selling are as follows:
Reins of the Onyxian Drake 1 Pet from Tier 1 or 2 pets from Tier 2
Ashes of Alar 1 Pet from Tier 1 or 2 pets from Tier 2(Bellstarz, Littlething)
Reins of the Azure Drake 1 Pet from Tier 2
Reins of the Blue Drake 1 Pet from Tier 2
Flametalon of Alysrazor 1 Pet from Tier 1 or 2 pets from Tier 2
At the moment i'm not capable of soloing LK or Yogg, but i'm very close. Another positive note is I am capable of doing these mount runs on 3 different characters very easily, with no issues, so you will get 3 chances per week! I am also going to be accepting a more modest array of pets for my services as well. Below are acceptable Pets:
Tier 1
Ethereal Soul-Trader
Rocket Chicken
Tuskarr Kite
Spectral Tiger Cub
Dragon Kite
Viscous Horror
Tier 2
Darkmoon Rabbit
Hippogryph Hatchling
I am also interested in very rare/unobtainable items as well, even if they are on random servers, however, if a deal is made with such an item, considering it will not be tradeable during the mount run, it will need to be traded before we do the mount run. If mount doesnt drop, item will be traded back. Please feel free to add me to Battle Tag for any questions!
I'm not trying to steal Tigger's thunder here, but he is only one person so I figured i'd offer something similar so people can have more chances to get the mount they want! This is HORDE only! Just so you are aware of the kind of mount person I am, I am currently in the top 100 in the entire world for mount total @260. I am 32nd in the United States, so whatever im doing....it works! The mounts I will be selling are as follows:
Reins of the Onyxian Drake 1 Pet from Tier 1 or 2 pets from Tier 2
Ashes of Alar 1 Pet from Tier 1 or 2 pets from Tier 2(Bellstarz, Littlething)
Reins of the Azure Drake 1 Pet from Tier 2
Reins of the Blue Drake 1 Pet from Tier 2
Flametalon of Alysrazor 1 Pet from Tier 1 or 2 pets from Tier 2
At the moment i'm not capable of soloing LK or Yogg, but i'm very close. Another positive note is I am capable of doing these mount runs on 3 different characters very easily, with no issues, so you will get 3 chances per week! I am also going to be accepting a more modest array of pets for my services as well. Below are acceptable Pets:
Tier 1
Ethereal Soul-Trader
Rocket Chicken
Tuskarr Kite
Spectral Tiger Cub
Dragon Kite
Viscous Horror
Tier 2
Darkmoon Rabbit
Hippogryph Hatchling
I am also interested in very rare/unobtainable items as well, even if they are on random servers, however, if a deal is made with such an item, considering it will not be tradeable during the mount run, it will need to be traded before we do the mount run. If mount doesnt drop, item will be traded back. Please feel free to add me to Battle Tag for any questions!
Last edited by Monori on February 6th, 2014, 5:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
- Littlething
- Posts:71
- Joined:October 29th, 2013
- Pet Score:2902
- Realm:Proudmoore-us
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Re: WTT Raid Mounts for Pets! First come, first serve!
Hey good luck! One thing - I read through your post and you dont state if its Horde ot Ally runs. 

Re: WTT Raid Mounts for Pets! First come, first serve! {HORD
Thanks for the heads up, fixed now! And thanks for the vote of confidence
I've always been pretty lucky with drops so i'm hoping that carries over to this as well 

Re: WTT Raid Mounts for Pets! First come, first serve! {HORD
Hiya, I would do Bananas and Hippo hatchling for Ashes of Alar! Bellstarz#1764
Edited to add: since I am first to post does this mean I am first in line?
Edited to add: since I am first to post does this mean I am first in line?

Re: WTT Raid Mounts for Pets! First come, first serve! {HORD
Added you in game, ill start clearing it while I wait for you to confirm 

Re: WTT Raid Mounts for Pets! First come, first serve! {HORD
I am at work at the moment
Wont be home for 3 hours, can we do then?
hehe that will be my lunch break so I will only have an hour then or otherwise I will be on in approx 8 hours

hehe that will be my lunch break so I will only have an hour then or otherwise I will be on in approx 8 hours

Re: WTT Raid Mounts for Pets! First come, first serve! {HORD
That's fine, ill clear to him on all 3 toons and we can do it whenever. I have somewhere to be at 7pm est and ill be home around 10est so im sure we can set something up for around then or later.
Re: WTT Raid Mounts for Pets! First come, first serve! {HORD
Fantastic! I have been wanting this mount for forever! PS: I am in Australia, so its 9.25am here. 

- Littlething
- Posts:71
- Joined:October 29th, 2013
- Pet Score:2902
- Realm:Proudmoore-us
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Re: WTT Raid Mounts for Pets! First come, first serve! {HORD
I am also soloing kael on some Ally toons every week but I have terrible luck, if I dont have it by the time Bellstarz has hers/his would you be interested in taking 3 of my horde? Would trade a Dragon Kite if it drops for us!
Edited with btag for when you need it! Girlinstatic#1354
Edited with btag for when you need it! Girlinstatic#1354
Last edited by Littlething on February 6th, 2014, 8:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: WTT Raid Mounts for Pets! First come, first serve! {HORD
I'll add you to the list Littlething 

Re: WTT Raid Mounts for Pets! First come, first serve! {HORD
edited to add, i forgot to mention, I have 3 horde toons, does this include each week on all of them?
I am assuming so, since you have 3 horde toons!

Re: WTT Raid Mounts for Pets! First come, first serve! {HORD
Yes, I will run all 3 of my toons for whoever is first in line as long as they have 3 to run as well, and they only have to be 70+.
Re: WTT Raid Mounts for Pets! First come, first serve! {HORD
Ran 3 times for Bellstarz last night for Ashes with no luck, but it was quick and painless as im sure Bells can attest
Looking for more for Onyxia and the 2 Malygos Mounts! As the week draws closer to an end if I dont have anyone lined up, I will take the best offer of pets for any runs I haven't done yet!

Re: WTT Raid Mounts for Pets! First come, first serve! {HORD
Bump! Onyxia, Alysrazor and the 2 Drakes from Malygos still available for this lockout!
Re: WTT Raid Mounts for Pets! First come, first serve! {HORD
Sorry, hadn't checked forums for a bit, yes definitely quick and painless running for the ashes with Monori. Hopefully it drops this week!
Monori was great and it was all very quick as he summoned each of my toons and the instance was cleared up to last boss.