LF Pandaria Tamer Strategies

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LF Pandaria Tamer Strategies

Post by Jelstang » February 7th, 2014, 4:01 am

At this point, I'm basically just leveling wide swaths of pets, and I've found the best way to do it that requires the absolute minimum amount of time and effort on my part is battling the Pandaria trainers. I currently have characters parked at Lil Timmy, Aki and Nishi, but I'd like to expand it to other Pandaria trainers, if anyone has any advice. My strategies for these three trainers are as follows (all pets level 25 unless otherwise specified):

Lil' Oondasta
  • [pet]Skywisp Moth[/pet]
  • [pet]Zandalari Anklerender[/pet]
  • empty
The Skywisp Moth goes first and casts [ability]Call Lightning[/ability], then is one-shotted. The Zandalari Anklerender is pulled up next and uses [ability]Black Talon[/ability]. Next turn it uses [ability]Hunting Party[/ability]. If Lil' Oondasta misses after this, the Zandalari Anklerender will kill it, and no pet experience is gained. If not, the Zandalari Anklerender is killed. My third pet is a pet that can survive one hit of [ability]Spiritfire Beam[/ability], has less than 1260 health (so that the Zandalari Anklerender is pulled up after [ability]Frill Blast[/ability]), and has an ability that hits at least twice. Ideally the pet will have speed better than 206. If it doesn't, the pet will need to be magic and still have above 60% health, or mechanical or undead. Otherwise, the pet can be any level. I've put in pets as low as level 13. As long as the pet gets two hits on Lil' Oondasta, it goes down, and the pet gains all the experience.


Farmer Nishi
  • empty
  • [pet]Dancing Water Skimmer[/pet]
  • empty
My first pet is a level 3 or above pet, or a level 1 pet that's either a critter, a mechanical or a magic type. My third pet is some pet level 19 or above that can take down [pet]Brood of Mothallus[/pet] at half health. Battle goes roughly like this:
  • First pet does any ability.
  • Swap in Dancing Water Skimmer
  • DWS casts [ability]Cleansing Rain[/ability]
  • DWS casts [ability]Pump[/ability]
  • DWS casts [ability]Water Jet[/ability] three times, and [pet]Siren[/pet] is killed. (MUST hit all three times, or crit twice and miss once, or the battle has to be restarted. Must average 600 damage or above for each hit to kill Siren. If Siren isn't dead after three blasts, the battle has to be restarted.)
  • DWS casts Pump. (Hopefully hits; not a nightmare if it misses.)
  • DWS casts Cleansing Rain.
  • DWS casts Pump.
  • DWS casts Water Jet. [pet]Toothbreaker[/pet] dies.
  • DWS casts Pump.
  • DWS casts Cleansing Rain.
  • If DWS survives [ability]Burrow[/ability], casts Water Jet, then waits to die or casts Water Jet if BoM has enough health to live.
  • Third pet comes in and finishes off BoM and it and the first pet split the exp.

Aki the Chosen
  • empty
  • [pet]Emperor Crab[/pet] (P/P)
  • empty
My first pet is a level 1 pet with above 150 health, but crucially not an undead type. My third pet is any pet level 12 or above (if it's an elemental type, level 14 above, to be safe). This battle relies a lot on [ability]Snap[/ability] not missing, but the benefits outweigh the costs of having to do this one a few times in a row (or, on some bad days, eight or nine times, but that's rare). Here's how the battle goes:
  • First pet does any ability.
  • Swap in Emperor Crab.
  • EC does [ability]Shell Shield[/ability].
  • EC does [ability]Renewing Mists[/ability].
  • EC does Snap twice.
  • EC does Shell Shield.
  • EC does Snap.
  • EC does Renewing Mists.
  • EC does Snap; [pet]Chirrup[/pet] dies.
  • EC does Snap.
  • EC does Shell Shield.
  • EC does Renewing Mists.
  • EC does Snap four times; [pet]Stormlash[/pet] dies. (A single miss up to this point is absolutely devastating, and requires a miss from Stormlash, otherwise the battle may as well be reset.)
  • EC does Renewing Mists.
  • EC does Snap four times. Before EC does the fourth time, [pet]Whiskers[/pet] will always cast [ability]Survival[/ability]. This will leave Whiskers with exactly one hitpoint, and EC should stay in and die. (Casting Renewing Mists again will help out your third pet, but it may not ever work out, as EC may not get it off in time before dying to have it produce any effect, or it will just unnecessarily prolong poor EC's struggle.)
  • Third pet swaps in and does one point of damage to Whiskers. Whiskers may cast Survival again, so the pet will need to be able to take a couple of shots of [ability]Surge[/ability]. If it can, Whiskers dies, and the first and third pets split all the experience.

My characters parked at the trainers usually have a Pet Treat on, but I just now saw you can have a Lesser Pet Treat and a regular Pet Treat on at the same time in addition to the hat, so...yeah. Now I feel foolish.

Anyway, depending on how buffed my guys are for exp, I usually take level 1 pets to level 10, and level 13 pets to level 17 (higher level pets for Nishi usually just gain a level). I've got these two battles and Lil' Oondasta worked out pretty well, so I was wondering if anyone has any strategies for any of the other Pandaria trainers. I've got plenty of other characters to park. :)

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Re: LF Pandaria Tamer Strategies

Post by Ruststorm » February 7th, 2014, 4:14 am

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Re: LF Pandaria Tamer Strategies

Post by Jerebear » February 7th, 2014, 9:12 am

Also, as a note, splitting EXP by doing two carry pets really only benefits you when you will lose EXP by hitting level 25. Experience gains by using two carry pets gives them half of what they would normally get each plus/minus some amount for having different level pets. You're better off only doing two carry pets when trying to eek out EXP on two 23's or 24's (or any level that gains more EXP than needed to get to 25 based on your current buffs).
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Re: LF Pandaria Tamer Strategies

Post by Liopleurodon » February 7th, 2014, 2:32 pm

You can carry pets on all the Pandaren tamers, though Wastewalker Shu can get a bit dicey for lowbie pets if you don't kill his AOE quickly enough, and Yon is (as far as I've been able to tell) unreachable under level 90 unless you recruit somebody with a dual flyer. Ditto for the Spirit Tamers and the dual flyer.
xoxo, Your Pet Battling BFF, Tamer Liopleurodon.

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Re: LF Pandaria Tamer Strategies

Post by Jelstang » February 7th, 2014, 10:18 pm

Jerebear wrote:Also, as a note, splitting EXP by doing two carry pets really only benefits you when you will lose EXP by hitting level 25. Experience gains by using two carry pets gives them half of what they would normally get each plus/minus some amount for having different level pets. You're better off only doing two carry pets when trying to eek out EXP on two 23's or 24's (or any level that gains more EXP than needed to get to 25 based on your current buffs).
First, thanks Ruststorm for that link. I saw the sticky, but evidently missed the relevant post. I found it now.

But to this quote, I'm missing the main point, I think. Are you saying that if there was one carry pet and two 25s, the carry pet would get more exp than two carry pets would if their exp gains were combined? But what if the second 25 survives? Won't that reduce the amount of exp the lone carry pet gets, with the rest of the exp wasted on a level 25 pet?

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Re: LF Pandaria Tamer Strategies

Post by Jerebear » February 7th, 2014, 10:56 pm

Jelstang wrote:
Jerebear wrote:Also, as a note, splitting EXP by doing two carry pets really only benefits you when you will lose EXP by hitting level 25. Experience gains by using two carry pets gives them half of what they would normally get each plus/minus some amount for having different level pets. You're better off only doing two carry pets when trying to eek out EXP on two 23's or 24's (or any level that gains more EXP than needed to get to 25 based on your current buffs).
First, thanks Ruststorm for that link. I saw the sticky, but evidently missed the relevant post. I found it now.

But to this quote, I'm missing the main point, I think. Are you saying that if there was one carry pet and two 25s, the carry pet would get more exp than two carry pets would if their exp gains were combined? But what if the second 25 survives? Won't that reduce the amount of exp the lone carry pet gets, with the rest of the exp wasted on a level 25 pet?
Actually, it depends. Assuming the "one carry pet" is 24 and the "two carry pets" are also 24 in your question, then the experience of the "one carry pet" would be equal to the combined experience of the "two carry pets", though possibly off a point due to how rounding comes out. However, if the "two carry pets" are not the same level....say level 24 and level 1, they would not. They would get (1/2)(level_24_experience)-(small amount) and (1/2)(level_1_experience)+(small amount) respectively. That doesn't always add up to level_24_experience. It could be more or less.

What I was trying to get at though was that you typically don't gain any major advantage doing 2 carry pets versus 1 carry pet UNLESS you are doing it to avoid wasting EXP. Consider a level 24 carry pet. It only has up to 1980 EXP before it levels to 25. With your Safari Hat, you get 2722.5 EXP (rounds up to 2723) for a level 24 carry pet, which wastes 743 EXP since you only need the 1980. However, if you do two level 24 carry pets, they each get 1361.25, which is less than 1980, so no EXP is wasted.

As a note, level 25 pets on your team have NO bearing on your EXP gains. They don't count.
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Re: LF Pandaria Tamer Strategies

Post by Jelstang » February 7th, 2014, 11:45 pm

Jerebear wrote:
Jelstang wrote:
Jerebear wrote:Also, as a note, splitting EXP by doing two carry pets really only benefits you when you will lose EXP by hitting level 25. Experience gains by using two carry pets gives them half of what they would normally get each plus/minus some amount for having different level pets. You're better off only doing two carry pets when trying to eek out EXP on two 23's or 24's (or any level that gains more EXP than needed to get to 25 based on your current buffs).
First, thanks Ruststorm for that link. I saw the sticky, but evidently missed the relevant post. I found it now.

But to this quote, I'm missing the main point, I think. Are you saying that if there was one carry pet and two 25s, the carry pet would get more exp than two carry pets would if their exp gains were combined? But what if the second 25 survives? Won't that reduce the amount of exp the lone carry pet gets, with the rest of the exp wasted on a level 25 pet?
Actually, it depends. Assuming the "one carry pet" is 24 and the "two carry pets" are also 24 in your question, then the experience of the "one carry pet" would be equal to the combined experience of the "two carry pets", though possibly off a point due to how rounding comes out. However, if the "two carry pets" are not the same level....say level 24 and level 1, they would not. They would get (1/2)(level_24_experience)-(small amount) and (1/2)(level_1_experience)+(small amount) respectively. That doesn't always add up to level_24_experience. It could be more or less.

What I was trying to get at though was that you typically don't gain any major advantage doing 2 carry pets versus 1 carry pet UNLESS you are doing it to avoid wasting EXP. Consider a level 24 carry pet. It only has up to 1980 EXP before it levels to 25. With your Safari Hat, you get 2722.5 EXP (rounds up to 2723) for a level 24 carry pet, which wastes 743 EXP since you only need the 1980. However, if you do two level 24 carry pets, they each get 1361.25, which is less than 1980, so no EXP is wasted.

As a note, level 25 pets on your team have NO bearing on your EXP gains. They don't count.
Ahh... This makes it quite clear. Thank you very much!

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Re: LF Pandaria Tamer Strategies

Post by Tiggindy » February 8th, 2014, 8:52 am

Do a search on Tiggindy to find my advice post. I list all the strategies for the tamers, and it's fairly accurate AFAIK. I'm a bit skimpy on the details for the tourney, but there's enough other stuff around to help you there. ;)

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