The main reason I chose to post this here, is cause it's more trade oriented AND cause I can't say if this is happening on EU realms. The other forums aren't region specific. *shrug* I don't know! :O
Today, I was shocked to see a Viscous Horror show up on my realm. I decided to casually check pet listings on horde side as I usually do. I was shocked to see a viscous horror, soul-trader, dragon kite, and the cub. All these pets listed by the same toon. The TCGs pets are 40-45k, very low.
The reason this is rather alarming is simply that horde on my realm is dead, deadier than dead and we're not merged with any other realms yet. This is very, very unusual for my AH. Even the dragon kite and soul-trader are extremely rare to be found on my AH. Viscous Horror has never been on my realm horde side, ever.
Make of it what you will :)