I am looking for
Blackfuse Bombling
Spineclaw Crab x 2(prefer P/P)
Gulp Froglet
Landro's Lil XT
Vengeful Porcupette
Eye of the Legion
Gregarious Grell
Gusting Grimoire
Tiny Red Carp
Tiny White Carp
Razzashi Hatchling
Gold on Trolbane or Tichondrius Horde
If you somehow see a way to make a deal for an Ethereal Soul Trader, Viscous Horror, or a DMR I will sing your praises throughout my house for at least a week

I can offer the follow mix/match
Anubisath Idol
Azure Crane Chick (P/S, H/P)
Azure Whelpling
Dandelion Frolicker
Darkmoon pets (except eye)
Death Adder Hatchling (S/S, level 25)
Disgusting Oozeling
Enchanted Broom (rare or uncommon)
Feline Familiar (uncommon)
Fiendish Imp (P/S)
Fungal Abomination
Magic Lamp (rare quality)
Pandaren Air/Earth/Fire/Water Spirit
Sen'jin Fetish
Searing Schorchling
BOE Stone x 3 + assorted specific stones
Gold on Trollbane-US Horde
For Enticing Deals
Black Tabby Cat (uncommon quality)
Fox Kit
Jadefire Spirit
Ji-Kun Hatchling (B/B)
Legs (uncommon quality)
Living Sandling
Netherspace Abyssal
Ominous Flame
Rascal-bot (lvl 25 P/B)
Sprite Darter Hatchling
Nightsaber Cub
If you are interested in making a trade, feel free to post here or send me a PM. You can reach me in game by adding my battletag zystyl#1639 (please note I won't be in-game until around 5-6pm easten but will be on Battle Net chat all day)