Who Anyone in WCP, MM, or PP is welcome, so long as you're above level 10 so you can join the raid group.
When August 9th, 7:00pm server time.
Where Where do you go on Safari in Warcraft? The Barrens? Nagrand? Sholazar? By the D.E.H.T.A. Encampment in Borean Tundra? What do you guys think?
What Level 25 pets, no team switching between rounds. Please use three ***different*** pets this time, not 3 crows or 2 death adders etc. Pet list is as follows:
Any animals that exist in real life (more or less, of course they're more stylized in WoW) are good to go. Carps? Sure! Gahz'rooki? No way! Moths? Sure! Gryphons? Nuh uh!
Some thoughts on the families other than Critter/Beast/Flying/Aquatic:
Dragons: No, sorry, none fit this theme.
Elementals: We'll allow the [pet]lava crab[/pet]. It looks like a normal crab, that's close enough
Humanoid: [pet]Bonkers[/pet] is an ape, close enough I'd say.
Magic: Again, none, sorry.
Mechanical: [pet]Lifelike Toad[/pet]. That's really it I guess.
Undead: I'm going to allow the diseased squirrels, fawn and bear cub I guess, if folks really want to use them. Seeing as undead take more damage from critters it's probably a bad idea to use em, but hey, it's up to you

My bet is that we're going to see mostly Flying/Beast teams, but who knows!