Which WoD pet are you most interested in collecting?

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Which WoD pet are you most interested in collecting?

Post by Roisen » November 3rd, 2014, 3:48 am

With WoD around the corner I wanted to ask everyone what pet they were most looking forward to collecting?

For me I always look at pets for two different reasons; pets that look cute or amazing and pets that I think will be good battlers.

So with that in mind I have two very different pets that I am most looking forward to in WoD.

[pet]Brilliant Bloodfeather[/pet] is the pet I am looking forward to battle with. I'm not sure it will be good but I want to play around with the [pet]Drain Blood[/pet] on a flying mob. Plus it is also cute so that helps!

But if I'm honest the pet I'm waiting most desperately for can't even battle! [pet]Mystical Spring Bouquet[/pet]! I love the idea of this and fully intend to name it Agrajag and go searching for a falling whale to take a screen shot with.

So what about everyone else?

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Re: Which WoD pet are you most interested in collecting?

Post by Ebil » November 3rd, 2014, 8:20 am

[pet]Pygmy Cow[/pet] is one that I cannot wait to get because most of the time my character uses a farmer transmog. I have have it so my felguard either has a pitchfork or shovel equipped as his weapon, so this little pet is high on my list.

The second pet on my list of most haves is [pet]Weebomination[/pet] what self respecting Undead does not own an abomination?

The last pet on my list is [pet]Doom Bloom[/pet] because I am cheesy and love Little Shop of Horrors. Feed me Seymour!

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Re: Which WoD pet are you most interested in collecting?

Post by Opallena » November 3rd, 2014, 8:48 pm

Son of Demidos and Argi are the two top on my list. 3-5 are the bloodfeather peacock, albino chimera, and frostwolf pup.

In all honesty, it's hard to pick just a few; most of the warlords pets are new models save for a small handful.

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Re: Which WoD pet are you most interested in collecting?

Post by Luciandk » November 3rd, 2014, 9:39 pm

Soul of the Forge, Stormwing and Argi looks quite promising to me

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Re: Which WoD pet are you most interested in collecting?

Post by Jazeel » November 4th, 2014, 3:31 pm

A peacock is high on my list of most wanted, i know they are called peachicks ingame but meh its the male of the species has the glorious plumage the females are as drab as combat khaki's.
Last edited by Jazeel on November 4th, 2014, 10:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Which WoD pet are you most interested in collecting?

Post by Roisen » November 4th, 2014, 10:12 pm

Jazeel wrote:A peacock is high on my list of most wanted, i know they are called peachicks ingame but me its the male of the species has the glorious plumage the females are as drab as combat khaki's.
Yes they look super cute! I hope they do well in battles, I'd love to see them get a lot of play.

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Re: Which WoD pet are you most interested in collecting?

Post by Luciandk » November 5th, 2014, 5:46 am

Hrm, swapped my profs to Blacksmithing and Tailoring so that I can aquire Soul of the Forge and Elekk plushy early. With a little luck, I can get the elekk plush made in first lockout so i dont 'waste' any trainers from the celestial tournament.

When those are home, its the engineering pets.

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Re: Which WoD pet are you most interested in collecting?

Post by Saasan » November 5th, 2014, 12:16 pm

I'd have to say the Frostwolf Ghost Pup because have you seen that little face?! XD

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Re: Which WoD pet are you most interested in collecting?

Post by Poofah » November 5th, 2014, 1:39 pm

Saasan wrote:I'd have to say the Frostwolf Ghost Pup because have you seen that little face?! XD
They buffed Refuge compared to the beta version, so that it now puts a shield on 'the caster and each friendly critter' (rather than just 'each friendly critter'). Ghostpup + rabbit + X could potentially have a ridiculous amount of avoidance.

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Re: Which WoD pet are you most interested in collecting?

Post by Saasan » November 5th, 2014, 2:47 pm

@Poofah -- I did not notice that change, but you are right! This pet is ripe for an avoidance team; perhaps pairing with a Darkness pet to take advantage of his fourth move?

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Re: Which WoD pet are you most interested in collecting?

Post by Poofah » November 5th, 2014, 6:00 pm

That's one way to go; Darkness might be helpful on its own too, since tanky/healy pets are troublesome for avoidance critters. [url=http://wod.wowhead.com/npc=82715]Frostfur Rat[/url] could be a nifty partner in that case. Or, maybe just good old Crow, since beasts are your other big problem.

But it's possible that the Sneak Attack bonus damage isn't very generous, in which case I wouldn't plan on swapping around to take advantage of it.

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Re: Which WoD pet are you most interested in collecting?

Post by Saasan » November 5th, 2014, 6:10 pm

Poofah wrote: But it's possible that the Sneak Attack bonus damage isn't very generous, in which case I wouldn't plan on swapping around to take advantage of it.
Yes--"bonus damage" may not add up to much and is not a helpful term. Either way, I look forward to this pet for both its cuteness and potential deadly prowess.

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Re: Which WoD pet are you most interested in collecting?

Post by Aalea » November 5th, 2014, 11:41 pm

I dont know the name of it but i want the flying bone creature like the ones that you see in Tanaris. Ill have to go look to see what they are called.

Thats odd, I couldnt find it but it looks like a bone version of Son of Sethe. I am sure I have seen them before. Ok it seems it was called the bone serpent but I cannot seem to find it anywhere. maybe it was just a dream...


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Re: Which WoD pet are you most interested in collecting?

Post by Druzy » November 6th, 2014, 7:39 am


My grandfather was from Holland and called me "little goathead". I have no idea why, apparently my parents just went with it (my sister was "little monkey"). Anywho, I have a soft spot for goats now.

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