My planned lineup for Darkmoon Faire Trainer

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My planned lineup for Darkmoon Faire Trainer

Post by Goodlose » December 6th, 2012, 11:36 am

I'm currently using the only three pets I've leveled to 25. I managed to beat all of the trainers pre-5.1.

Mini-Diablo, Grunty, and an Adder. But for some reason I get my face smashed in over and over by the new Darkmoon Faire trainer. So I've been thinking about leveling up a squad just for this encounter.

Fel Flame
Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling(I need to find a battle stone).
And a Flying pet for the increased speed or just another mech.

Any thoughts, suggestions, or just want to rant about the monkey taking out half your pet's life before you ever get to attack?

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Re: My planned lineup for Darkmoon Faire Trainer

Post by Aileen » December 6th, 2012, 11:46 am

I only have 1 team of 25's, and it's not the best lineup for this but I do always eventually win, even if it takes me 2-3 tries. :) The monkey IS annoying.

My team is Panda Cub, Spirit of Competition, and Fetish Shaman. I lead with the Fetish Shaman and try to prolong him as far into the second trainer pet as I can... same with the Spirit (my second pet, try to prolong him into the third trainer pet). I have the best luck with my battles there if I can keep the Spirit up for at least 1 round with the monkey to take his initial wtf barrage, and then let the Panda Cub finish him off.

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Re: My planned lineup for Darkmoon Faire Trainer

Post by Goodlose » December 6th, 2012, 11:52 am

I eventually win too. But because of the healing cool down and a lack of stable masters on Darkmoon Isle, it takes forever.

It just irritates me that if I miss once I'm doomed.

And multiple times I've killed the monkey then the dot kills me and it counts as a loss.

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Re: My planned lineup for Darkmoon Faire Trainer

Post by Edrin » December 6th, 2012, 12:10 pm

If you have a high level spider, Brittle Webbing should make short work of the monkey.

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Re: My planned lineup for Darkmoon Faire Trainer

Post by Bistromath » December 6th, 2012, 12:27 pm

Ive one shot this guy with no issuses every day. I use

Mini Thor vs Crazy Monkey
Emerald Proto-Drake (rare, breed 4,14) vs Eye
Crimson Geode (rare, breed 7) vs Tonk

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Re: My planned lineup for Darkmoon Faire Trainer

Post by Koneko » December 6th, 2012, 12:29 pm

I have found that this pet list works pretty much every time:
Lead with Fel Flame, often able to kill both Judgment and Honky-Tonk with it.
Set his attacks to Flame Breath, Scorched Earth, and Conflagrate.
Use Clockwork Gnome for the monkey.
Keep his spells the stock ones, drop the turret, and keep hitting.
You can use whatever you want for the third as a backup / finisher.
I use the Magical Crawdad because he is a tank and has a HoT and Wish (50% heal).

Best of luck!

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Re: My planned lineup for Darkmoon Faire Trainer

Post by Bonhomous » December 6th, 2012, 1:59 pm

as long as the monkey doesn't go crazy on me I win with

Flayer Youngling - he spell reflects the damage debuff from the eye, then rampages all over the eye and into the tonk.
Water Waveling - I don't even use my geyser on the tonk, because I don't need it, I try to get a geyser on the monkey.
Mechanical Squirrel - if the monkey plays fair and doesn't hit me 6 times in a row, then I can kill him. Put up extra plating, then wind-up x2 and you're good to go yo.

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Re: My planned lineup for Darkmoon Faire Trainer

Post by Zaelo » December 6th, 2012, 2:04 pm

I only went to see him a couple times so far but have had no problem at all defeating him with the following:

Fel Flame + Soul of the Aspect or Celestial Dragon (cant remember which I used against the eye, but Fel Flame had pretty much taken both first pet out anyway) + Fluxfire Feline (against the Monkey, one shots him after 3 rounds easy)

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Re: My planned lineup for Darkmoon Faire Trainer

Post by Goodlose » December 6th, 2012, 2:52 pm

The problem with my current squad is that Mini-Diablo has such low health that he just barely beats the tonk. And the Adder is an even match for the eye. And I use the snake to soak the first attack from the monkey. But Grunty has trouble killing the monkey before the next stun. And if he gets stunned again he's dead.

The main reason I wanted to level the mech dragonling is because its the perfect Magic pet counter.

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Re: My planned lineup for Darkmoon Faire Trainer

Post by Yaafm » December 6th, 2012, 3:12 pm

Elemental Geode and Lil'smokey. That usually handles all 3 for me. third slot is whatever you want.

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Re: My planned lineup for Darkmoon Faire Trainer

Post by Cropher » December 6th, 2012, 3:15 pm

I use Crimson Whelpling, Water Waveling, and Darkmoon Zeppelin. I've found it's a LOT simpler if on match start I don't get the opponent I'd like (e.g., whelp vs. eye, waveling vs. tonk, Zep vs. monkey, depending on what I start with) to forfeit and restart; I don't actually know if a token costs less than a repair trip, but it certainly saves time.
I usually use them in that order; sometimes I get to the zeppelin, sometimes I don't.

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Re: My planned lineup for Darkmoon Faire Trainer

Post by Zaelo » December 6th, 2012, 3:16 pm

Goodlose wrote:The main reason I wanted to level the mech dragonling is because its the perfect Magic pet counter.
He's indeed awesome against Magic, leveling him to 25 is certainly not a waste of time ;)

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Re: My planned lineup for Darkmoon Faire Trainer

Post by Aquilus » December 6th, 2012, 4:25 pm

I have to say that a 3 pet team of level 25s is not the challenge for defeating the DMF trainer. What is worthwhile is finding a 2 pet team to do it so you can put another pet in that is level 1-20 and get a nice chunk of xp out of him as well. I have been using Mecha Dragon and DMF Zepp but, because of bugs, sometimes it kicks me out of combat before either side has won. Still, I don't mind spending the coins for 1500-4000 free XP. You can use the exact same layout for each or breath on the dragon, (forget the name of the first slot ability it's like Lightning or Zapp that does bonus damage vs mechanical), Decoy & Explode. Another idea would be the DMF Zepp + a strong elemental. (DMF over Dragon because it can have missile and explode for even more monkey damage).

Elementium Geode is very awesome, and definitely a good choice. Dunno if I'd use lil' smokey over the zepp or dragon though.

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Re: My planned lineup for Darkmoon Faire Trainer

Post by Zaelo » December 6th, 2012, 4:28 pm

kinda easier and cheaper to use a trainer like Nishi to level pets though..
you can even level 2 pets at once, all you need is one mirror strider 25 or some aquatic pet with strong water attacks and you can easily get through all 3 pets.. plus it doesn't cost you tokens :)

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Re: My planned lineup for Darkmoon Faire Trainer

Post by Saa » December 6th, 2012, 5:09 pm

Fel Flame
Spawn of Ony
Darkmoon Zep


Haven't lost yet......still no Eye though ><


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Re: My planned lineup for Darkmoon Faire Trainer

Post by NathKnave » December 6th, 2012, 11:46 pm

I've been using:

Onyxian Whelpling (Tail Sweep / Healing Flame / Lift-Off) vs. his magic pet. Lift-Off instead of Deep Breath, since it can only do 40% of the Eye's health in damage, and it also lets me shave off a turn of it's power debuff it uses while also avoiding one attack. Even if the Lift-Off misses, the Tail Sweep makes quick work of it. I don't bother healing, instead, I try to get a hit or two in on the next pet with the Dragonkin buff active for a headstart.

Searing Scorchling (Burn / Immolate / Conflagrate) vs. the mechanical. Start with Immolate to get it burning then Conflag. This is so one-sided the Conflagrate will sometimes knock it down with the first hit, it repairs, then the second hit kills it for good.

Darkmoon Tonk (Missile / Shock and Awe / Ion Cannon) vs. the Monkey. This guy just completely destroys beasts and this is no different. One thing to note: If the Shock and Awe stuns the monkey, it'll be swapped out (unless it's his last pet) before you can hit it again.

Of the pets I initially leveled to 25, these were my best choices to bring in against this team. I was a little worried, since I hadn't actually battled any of the trainers with epic pets up to this point, but I've one-shot this quest every time so far.

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Re: My planned lineup for Darkmoon Faire Trainer

Post by Nyrina4life » December 7th, 2012, 3:06 am

Wow, I must be doing it wrong!!! My team is:

Azure Whelp
Baby Blizzard Bear
and Giraffe Calf

I have yet to defeat him, which makes me think I rushed leveled and focused on my 'cute' babies more than ones who would make a dent. Ah well.

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Re: My planned lineup for Darkmoon Faire Trainer

Post by NathKnave » December 7th, 2012, 9:05 am

Nyrina4life wrote:I have yet to defeat him, which makes me think I rushed leveled and focused on my 'cute' babies more than ones who would make a dent. Ah well.
Darkmoon Tonk isn't cute?

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Re: My planned lineup for Darkmoon Faire Trainer

Post by Mos » December 7th, 2012, 10:27 am

Fel Flame usually takes down the Eye/Tonk or vice versa, and sometimes both. Any high damage dragon will help finish the eye, usually go with Lil Deathwing and then Fluxfire Feline one-shots the monkey. LOL

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Re: My planned lineup for Darkmoon Faire Trainer

Post by Kithcanon » December 7th, 2012, 12:26 pm

I use Wild crimson hatching, shimmering wormling, and clockworck gnome. I usualy win 1 out of 5 times because the monkey gets like 6 attacks before I can get 1. Is that a glitch or will I get that many attacks with the darkmoon monkey when it gets to 25?

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