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Hatespark Time! Finally!
by Kel » December 4th, 2014, 5:26 pm
Yes! I finally got to ilvl615 today, mostly due to crafting. Now it's time to go get my little fiery spark of hatred!!!!
Anything I need to know right off the bat for a noob raider? How long is this going to take? What do I need to look out for? I've never been into raiding before and I'm only doing this one for the pet. So I'm not "seasoned" at all. Typically I avoid this crap like the plague because I just don't enjoy being trash talked the whole time for not being the greatest raider ever.

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by Luciandk » December 4th, 2014, 5:29 pm
Expect to use 2 hours in a good group. It can take significantly longer or collapse if people doesnt know what they are doing.
Its about 10% chance for hatespark at the end. I ran mc 4 times without seeing it and said fek it and bought it for 5k.
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by Kpb321 » December 4th, 2014, 5:57 pm
1) Unless you are a healer or a tank plan to spend a while waiting in the queue just to get into the raid. Could be 2+ hours depending on your luck on when you try it as a dps.
2) Expect the raid to take at least 2 hours on the good side of things and I'd probably plan on at least 4 hours to be safe. Last thing you want to do is start the stupid thing and have to leave before it's done. There are lots of bosses, lots of trash (it respawns too!!) and is just big so it really does take a while.
Combine those together and you could need 6+ hours for this.
3) Expect to die and even have the raid wipe on both trash and on bosses. When I did it we wiped and had more problems on the trash than the bosses.
4) Try to read up on strategies from wowhead or someplace else and pray that you get at least one person who actually did MC back in the day and is willing to "lead" the raid as much as a PUG can be lead. It will make things go much smoother.
5) The drop chance is low. The Helm and achievement are 100% but Hatespark is rare. Only saw 1 or 2 drop in the raid I did.
I did it once with the whole thing taking 3 1/2-4 hours (healer so no real queue but got into a fresh one and had to do the entire thing). After doing it once I didn't really want to do it a gain so I watched the AH and bought one for 10k without a second thought when I saw it listed. If we had gotten towards the end of the event and I still hadn't seen a deal I probably would have paid 2 or 3 times that and just dealt with it rather than running MC again. Multiple several hour attempts at the raid for a chance at a pet drop is not my idea of fun. I'd much rather spend that time doing something else and spend gold I've accumulated and will accumulate again on the pet.
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Kpb321 on December 4th, 2014, 6:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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by Kel » December 4th, 2014, 5:58 pm
Yea, I got a feeling I'll get sick of running it. But I need to get the pet from a drop. These damn Garrisons have bled all my gold dry. I seriously got nothing left.

HayWire Motorsports
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by Kpb321 » December 4th, 2014, 6:09 pm
I wish you luck with that. I was hoping I'd get lucky when I ran it and I did want to do it at least once for the mount/helm but I knew farming the raid wasn't going to be practical for me. I just can't regularly get those kinda blocks of time to feel like I was sure to be able to finish it. If I didn't have the gold I would have spent the time making the gold rather than doing repeated runs of the raid. You'll eventually make enough money to buy the pet but it could never drop for you.
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by Beastlyserenity » December 4th, 2014, 6:16 pm
Molten Core is the WORST raid I've ever been in.
I had more fun wiping on mythic SoO for hours early on in the expansion, than I did doing a successful Molten Core run.
It was just awful, there's very little I wouldn't do over that Molten Core raid. I don't know what Blizz was thinking bringing it back in that state.
I did end up acquiring Hatespark, but I found him to be too tiny. A really small pet, that just didn't impress me that much for his cost. Sure I like it, but for how much it's worth right now, I sold it back at 25k and bought other pets. Maybe I'll get another Hatespark in the future, but for now there are other pets I'm looking for.
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by Kel » December 4th, 2014, 6:50 pm
Well I'm kind of stuck. I'm about 26 pets short of the 600 mark and Hatespark is one of those that I really need to get in order to get there. With TcG pets and RaF pets not really being an option, I gotta get every "free" one I can. I'm so close, but I still feel like I'm just as far away as I was at 475.
edit - And for what ever reason, I just haven't figured out how to actually make any gold in this expansion. Seems like every time I get some gold, I need it for my Garrison. And every time I get something I can make to AH, it's something that anyone else can get through their Garrison too. The fact that anyone can have access to various tradeskill buildings has kind of wrecked the market in my opinion. Unless you guys have some advise that I'm overlooking.

HayWire Motorsports
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by Jazeel » December 4th, 2014, 6:53 pm
Good luck hunting for hatespark kel, i am about to embark on the same grind this weekend and i suspect i will not get it first run, as its 25k plus on my server and garrison ate my gold, the grind is my only option atm.
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by Kel » December 4th, 2014, 7:14 pm
Jazeel wrote:Good luck hunting for hatespark kel, i am about to embark on the same grind this weekend and i suspect i will not get it first run, as its 25k plus on my server and garrison ate my gold, the grind is my only option atm.
Good luck to you too!
Yea, it's $75k on my server, and there was only 1 so far.

HayWire Motorsports
Tacoma, Washington

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by Kendrah » December 4th, 2014, 11:34 pm
Well, good news is that there's no loot lockout. Bad news it's a bunch of jerks. It's just like MC ... and you'll hear all about how hard MC was back in the day and how bad everyone is now. It's not a guaranteed drop either. When I went in, only one person got it. But you don't need to do the entire dungeon to get. Nothing drops from the bosses. It's just the last boss and there's also the mount and helm that are guaranteed so it's nice to do it at least once.

I'll send good drop rate vibes your way.


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by Rendigar » December 4th, 2014, 11:36 pm
Just remember while YOU don't have to be there for the whole dreadful mess to get the drops off the last boss, it must be a full clear - every boss MUST die, there are no optional ones.
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by Graven » December 5th, 2014, 1:30 pm
Grats Kel, good luck on the pet.
Still working on the ilvl myself. I have the pet, since I laid down some cash and got it from AH, but I want the mount so I will be running it at least once. Not expecting to enjoy the experience, even if it might bring back some memories of vanilla raiding.
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by Khorah » December 5th, 2014, 1:52 pm
Jazeel wrote:Good luck hunting for hatespark kel, i am about to embark on the same grind this weekend and i suspect i will not get it first run, as its 25k plus on my server and garrison ate my gold, the grind is my only option atm.
+1 here as well..
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by Avalee » December 6th, 2014, 3:53 am
Kel wrote:The fact that anyone can have access to various tradeskill buildings has kind of wrecked the market in my opinion. Unless you guys have some advise that I'm overlooking.

I think that Pets are one of the best money makers in this expansion. Seen many pets listed for very high prices. For example the shark from fishing can be sold for tens of thousands. You can always get one yourself later. Or pets that can be caught only once per character. Get doubles with a second 90 and sell them.
As for Hatespark. I'm not sure I'll reach 100 or the iLevel requirement in time (and I don't want to rush it), but I found prices for them are much cheaper after a weekend as more people have time to play it.
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by Jazeel » December 6th, 2014, 6:20 am
Okay i sold an engineering gun so bought hatespark for 18k, then ran MC, he didnt drop for me so i dont have to try again, though as a healer i might run again with mates who want a shorter q.

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by Aalea » December 6th, 2014, 10:16 pm
I ran MC last week and decided that I would run another couple of times and if it didn't drop I would go to the AH and buy him. I ran again today and he dropped for me.
very happy I don't have to fork out 25k for him.
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by Abashera » December 7th, 2014, 1:07 am
I was pretty fortunate. Got it on the first run. It totally blew me away because I had heard it's a relatively low drop chance, so I went in there planning on having to run it a lot. I had completely put the pet out of my mind to the point of forgetting it dropped, when... HOLY CRAP! I'll run it some more to try to get one for sale or trade.
Kel wrote:Yea, I got a feeling I'll get sick of running it. But I need to get the pet from a drop. These damn Garrisons have bled all my gold dry. I seriously got nothing left.

Don't worry, you'll make it back pretty quick. Gold just seems to pour in in this expansion - especially if you have the right buildings. The Salvage Yard and Gladiator's sanctum are pulling in a lot of junk items, and the Salvage occasionally turns up some very rare AH worthy items. You can easily make 10k a week, or at least in a couple weeks, without even touching the AH. Now that I have all the buildings I need to lvl 3, my goal is to save 300,000g for a mount. The sad thing is that there are people who could easily make that much off what I have rotting away in my guild bank, lol.
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by Kel » December 15th, 2014, 1:20 pm
Got my little spark of hatred! I cheated and grabbed him off the AH. I've tried queuing for MC only to sit in the queue for 2-3 hours and finally giving up. He had been hovering around the 40-45k mark on my server. but I saw 1 posted with a min bid of 19k, so I bid on it, waited, and actually won it! Works for me!
I've considered trying to flip him now that he's lvl25 and then buying one of the other ones posted. But I don't know.
HayWire Motorsports
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by Graven » December 15th, 2014, 4:40 pm
Beastlyserenity wrote:I did end up acquiring Hatespark, but I found him to be too tiny. A really small pet, that just didn't impress me that much for his cost.
Yea he is really small isn't he? I know the clue's in the name, but I just didn't expect him to be quite so
Shame really, he'd look awesome if he was the same size as the [pet]Searing Scorchling[/pet].
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by Kel » December 15th, 2014, 5:22 pm
I agree! I guess we could always feed him magic biscuits.

HayWire Motorsports
Tacoma, Washington