Saasan's Comments
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This pet drops from NORMAL Lich King, 10 or 25 man. The Wicked Soul is also from Lich King, but it drops on heroic only.
It appears this pet drops from HEROIC Lich King, either 10 or 25 man. The Drudge Ghoul drops from normal only.
Glossy bunny is cute! Can you imagine if WoW made "shinies" like in Pokemon? That would be....kinda awful? A little bit awesome? Both, I guess.
Sylvanas is nothing if not generous with bags of green edibles. I'm sure she just wants the Alliance to get their veggies!
Well, I *was* going to save and buy the woolly rhino mount.... TT__TT Glad to know there was always be a goal... Goodbye forever, money!
I have also found this pet north of Vol'mar as both a primary and a secondary. I have yet to see it anywhere else.
Very informative post! Thanks for your effort; it shows!
Thanks! This does ease my OCD heart, lol. Thanks for all the hard work keeping this site great.
FYI, the links to at least some of the pets are to the Sand Scarab right now. Ore, Carrot, and Sea Lion all sent me to the little bug. Just letting you know. :)
I did a little research--it looks the Tarren Mill/Southshore event will only be giving a title. I don't know what will happen with Hogs. :( I want him so!
Let's see if the magic will work for me if I complain on this site, lol! I'm sitting at 2k kills with no hatchling. Who knew raptors were so shy??
To those curious about this bird being sold by a vendor: if for some reason you fail to receive a pet from an earned achievement or completed quest, the pet will be available from Stable Masters (hence the option "I'm looking for a lost companion"). Sometimes pets that you failed to loot will be available as well. I know of at least one person who discovered a Sprite Darter Hatchling at a Stable Master.
I died sveral times on Nalash before discovering that his Rain Dance is fairly easy to avoid by running in circles around him (my method for all raid bosses, lol!). Tip for dks: use death grip to interrupt his Rain Dance. At that point he's a breeze. Save your silences for Torrent and he's simply a long fight, not a killer one!
Back up to not just the top 500, but currently at 397! Ten new pets to level. Wow!
♥ 10 pets to level
♥ 833/858 Pets Acquired
♥ 180 Mounts
♥ 221 Toys